Bohemian Horoscopes: June 2016.

Bohemian of the month: Stevie Nicks.
Singer, songwriter and fashion icon Stevie Nicks was born on May 26, 1948 with Sun in Gemini (sign of creative communication).
Bohemian individuals always have Uranus and/or Aquarius feature strongly in their horoscope, and Stevie has Mercury conjunct Uranus (also in Gemini) which explains her very unique way of dressing and expressing herself. But despite her dreamy lyrics and delicate appearance, she is no will-o’-the-wisp waif!
With her Moon and midheaven in Capricorn, she has always been driven, focused and ambitious, and never wanted to play the role of the conventional female singer: “I was not going to be a stupid girl singer. I was going to be way more than that.”
Over more than four decades, she has maintained two careers — one with rock legends Fleetwood Mac, and the other as a very successful solo artist. Plus, with her rising sign in Aries (and Sun square Mars) Stevie is a fiery and feisty feminist, who greatly values freedom and independence, both personally and professionally.
As she observes, “We fought very hard for feminism, for women’s rights. What I’m seeing today is a very opposite thing. I see women being put back in their place. And I hate it. We’re losing all we worked so hard for and it really bums me out.”
Horoscopes for June
Aries (March 21-April 20)
Mighty Mars (your power planet) is still in retrograde mode for the month of June, which will make you feel frustrated and frazzled as motivation is muted, enthusiasm is snuffed, and projects seem to be permanently stalled. You’re full of fabulous ideas, but it’s just not the right time to drum up support and put them into action.
The solution to this cosmic conundrum is plenty of patience — something that does not sit naturally with your speedy constitution. So smart Rams will deliberate, re-calibrate and learn to wait. Then the brakes are off and it’s all systems go after June 30!
Taurus (April 21-May 21)
In June, the focus is on lust and loot, as the New Moon (on June 5) activates your money zone, and the Full Moon (on June 20) stimulates your sexuality zone. So it’s the perfect month to start a fresh financial chapter, fire up a stale relationship, or launch a hot new romance.
Financial matters and joint ventures are favored, but make sure you take the time to check details carefully and vet prospective partners thoroughly. Confidence is also high, as the Sun and Venus boost self-esteem. And the last week of June is particularly lucky for matters involving friends and travel.
Gemini (May 22-June 21)
Your annual New Moon (on June 5) is the best time of the year to refresh your appearance, update your wardrobe, review your personal beliefs, launch a website, or reboot a rickety relationship.
The Full Moon revs up your relationship zone (on June 20) so, if you’re searching for your soul mate, take off your rose-colored glasses, get real, and give superficial suitors the flick. With Saturn in your love zone, you need to pick a partner who is prepared to commit to a serious long-term relationship.
The last week of June is lucky for matters involving family, real estate or shared resources.
Cancer (June 22-July 23)
Rest and renewal are the buzzwords this month! Around June 5, you’ll feel inclined to withdraw into your cozy Crab cave, as the New Moon highlights your contemplation and spirituality zone. So, it’s the ideal time to enjoy solo activities like meditation, Yoga, reading, journal writing or listening to music.
Between June 17-21, Saturn and the Full Moon urge you to kick bad habits and be more responsible about your physical well-being. So, do your best to nurture your body with healthy food and regular exercise. You’ll find disciplined effort now will pay off handsomely further down the track.
Leo (July 24-Aug 23)
Are you living in Leo la-la land? When it comes to a child, teenager, lover or close friend, it’s time for a major reality check. Don’t accept everything they say as the gospel truth. They’re not necessarily lying — there’s just more to a current situation than what they are telling you.
The last week of June is a fortunate financial period, when Jupiter boosts your bank balance via a pay rise, bonus, gift, offer, freebie or extra business. But you must capitalize on lucky opportunities when they come along, or they will pass you by. And no windfall will last long if you don’t manage it wisely.
Virgo (Aug 24-Sep 23)
Jupiter is transiting through your sign, which will give you a huge confidence boost… if you let it. And June 26 is your lucky day, when Pluto trines Jupiter and Lady Luck knocks on your door. But don’t allow other people’s perception of who they think you should be crowd out your own vision of your authentic self and preferred future.
If you are true to yourself, then success and satisfaction will follow. So, your motto for the month is from actress and singer Judy Garland, “Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of someone else.”
Libra (Sep 24-Oct 23)
Activities involving work, education, travel, publishing, international connections and networking are all favored, as you extend your peer group to include some fabulously fresh foreign faces. Influential people are drawn into your circle of influence, and you’ll find it’s not what you know but who you know!
Money matters look decidedly messy though, as you impulsively purchase something extravagant that catches your eye. But can you really afford it? When it comes to a domestic issue, there’s a lot more going on with a family member (or neighbor) than meets the eye.
Scorpio (Oct 24-Nov 22)
Mars (planet of energy and motivation) is now reversing through your sign (until June 30) so don’t be surprised when projects backfire and your mojo temporarily goes missing. If you’re smart, then you’ll switch into hibernation mode, conserve energy, pace yourself, and be extra patient.
June 26 is your luckiest day of the month, when Jupiter trines Pluto (your ruler) and you start to see how a much cherished dream could actually morph into reality in the future.
Draw inspiration from fellow Scopio, Neil Young: “As you go through life, you’ve got to experience the valleys as well as the peaks.”
Sagittarius (Nov 23-Dec 21)
Career, money and luck are linked in June!
Sassy Sagittarians are natural entrepreneurs and, with fortunate Jupiter (your ruling planet) forming a fabulous trine with Pluto (on June 26) it’s a marvelous month to initiate an exciting new business venture, expand your present job, buy out your struggling competitor, or live the laptop lifestyle by starting an online business.
Don’t be too slapdash though! With taskmaster Saturn still reversing slowly through your sign, there is no substitute for thorough preparation and proper planning, as you consolidate your strengths and work on your weaknesses.
Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 20)
With Mars, Saturn (your ruler) and powerful Pluto (in your sign) all in retrograde mode, June will be a frustrating month. In your impatient desire to get ahead, avoid the temptation to boss people around, as it will only make matters worse. Instead, use the downtime to review your approach, revise your ideas, and reassess your plans.
Plus, resist the Capricorn tendency to put professional success before love, and work way ahead of family. As Marilyn Monroe wisely observed, “A career is wonderful, but you can’t curl up with it on a cold night.”
Aquarius (Jan 21-Feb 19)
The New Moon (on June 5) signals it’s the perfect time to build bridges with a child or teenager, initiate a new friendship, start a challenging sport, or take up a hobby you’ve always been interested in. June 13 and 14 are fabulous days for romance, friendship and networking via social media.
But money matters look confusing around June 18, when Neptune and Saturn scramble your antennae and complicate communication. So, don’t accept things at face value. Make sure you fine-tune financial figures, double-check paperwork and (if in doubt) get a second opinion.
Pisces (Feb 20-March 20)
Love is in the air! If you are attached, lucky Jupiter gives the relationship a welcome boost, and it’s also a marvelous month to travel or learn something new with your partner. Singles: Jupiter sends a swag of suitors to your door so make the most of it, play the field, and then choose wisely.
But all Pisceans need to steer clear of dubious personal projects, dodgy business deals and vague financial ventures around June 18, when Saturn squares your ruling planet Neptune. If something looks too good to be true, then it probably is. So stay grounded, keep it real, and play it safe.
Joanne Madeline Moore has been a professional astrologer and writer for the past 20 years. Born with Uranus on the Midheaven and Jupiter rising, Joanne spent her teenage years working as an actress in Australia, and then traveled to foreign shores where she studied macrobiotics and shiatsu in London, meditated at Stonehenge, explored the medinas of Marrakech, lived with gypsy poets in the caves above Granada (in Spain), and was blessed by a Balinese priest during a lunar eclipse in Indonesia. But the astrology muse kept calling. Joanne has a Practitioner’s Certificate (from the Federation of Australian Astrologers) and a BA in Journalism. Her daily, weekly and yearly horoscopes are currently syndicated in over 30 newspapers and magazines in Canada, the United Kingdom, South Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. You can also read Joanne’s horoscopes and her Bohemian Astrology blog on her website.
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