Waif vs. Warrior: Be Fierce & Fully Inhabit Your Body.

One of the most detrimental things in our current culture is the aesthetic obsession with being very thin.
On a very consistent basis, I am posed with questions on how to get thinner, how to overcome eating disorders, how to regain health without gaining weight, and so on.
The focus should not be on thinness. The focus should be on strengthening the body, empowering the mind, and uplifting the spirit.
One thing I have been obsessed with my entire life is female warriors, tough girls, and badasses. As beautiful as waifs can be, they are generally the victims in stories, not the survivors.
What would the world be like if we encouraged girls and women to fully embrace their strength, and the heroic, beautiful skills we can attain? Who can we help and inspire? How confident can we be? What would it be like to be strong to be helpful and inspirational? How would it feel to be healthy and vibrant, and have the freedom that comes with it?
Strength of body usually includes a sinewy physique anyway, and the benefit of being ripe with vitality. Nourish yourself so you have the blood of a warrior. Feed yourself so you can be sharp and capable.
The starving can’t save themselves. The weak cannot save others.
The princess complex is also pervasive — I’d rather be Queen. I’d rather save myself than await some jackass on a white horse. Give me Arya over Sansa any day. I won’t be in any old movies tied to the railroad tracks — I’ll be the one with the blade cutting the cords.
How would it feel to be covered in a cloak of muscle and nerve, instead of stripping away energy and virility? How would it feel to show the world, and yourself, how capable and powerful you really are when you focus on becoming so?
The focus is what needs to change. The focus is on fierceness. The definition of beauty changes from passive and soft, to enduring and tough. The body is now inhabited fully. Instead of being seen an enemy to conquer, the body becomes an ally in reaching your greatest accomplishments.
Becoming emaciated is not a feat, it’s a half-life. We owe it to ourselves to live fully, and in doing so we need a potency that most others never acquire.
Be the heroine. Shock everyone. Be the champion, the guardian, the defender, the protector. These things require vigor and confidence, and no one gets that by the sole intention of shedding numbers on a scale, and inches off the body.
The courage and boldness you acquire when focusing on becoming powerful will trump the shallow obligations that most women are shrouded with. The wrong message is being given, and it’s hovering over most of us because it purely makes money for assholes.
Become the archetype of a warrior woman. Shove those assholes’ faces in the dirt. Overcome the lies and bullshit fed to us from all angles every day.
Believe that women are here as leaders, heroines, and that we are here to persevere, live wildly, and be beautiful from what we do, who we are, and not just based on how we look.
Lorra Fae Wildfire is a tenacious warrior who dwells in a tiny house with her naked dog and mountains of books. A martial artist, writer, artist, surfer, and longtime raw vegan, she lives for freedom and passion. Lorra writes to inspire others to be authentic, become fierce, and stress the importance of being wildly healthy. She resides in Victoria, BC, Canada. Wander over to Passion School for potent doses of passion elixir.
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