Holding Our Intuition’s Hand. {poetry}

“Belief consists in accepting the affirmations of the soul;
unbelief, in denying them.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Intuition, why do we question you so much?
Wouldn’t life be easier if we make you our best friend?
Wouldn’t it be easier to embrace you, love you, nurture you,
and give you the benefit of the doubt?
Wouldn’t you keep us away from trouble,
heartaches, headaches and stomachaches?
Why not open our heart to your advice?
You have proven to be right every time.
Why not open the door and invite you
to sit at the dinner table?
There, we could have an honest conversation.
You can tell us how far sometimes we try
to run away from ourselves.
You can tell us how to ground ourselves
and stay in touch with our own advice.
You can show us the art of listening and
attuning to our needs, to trust our voice,
to let our best judgment flow
and tell us
the path that is right for us.
We could cry together about life.
We could laugh until late at night
about the ways we handled our past,
that which life brought to our hands.
Intuition, why not listen to you?
You are that gentle, nurturing but firm voice.
Your presence has been with us
during times of turmoil and lack of control.
But, amidst chaos,
have we noticed your presence at all?
Intuition, how much do you know us?
You grew inside like a small and tiny seed
since those naïve and daring young days.
You have witnessed hurt and sorrow
through every one of life’s disappointments,
becoming strong and wise,
getting to know us
as the palm of your hand.
But the clouds of life silenced you many times.
The turmoil and loud noises swallowed your voice.
And the outsiders’ voices diminished your greatness.
Intuition, do you deserve this abandonment?
Do you deserve this lack of acknowledgement?
Do you deserve being questioned one more time?
Intuition, why not open ourselves to you?
Because some time ago
We learned our voice had no worth
We learned our opinion had no weight
We learned that in order to grow
painfully grow
we had to listen deep within
and we do not want to be in pain.
But you persist and stay with us, hopeful and eager to help,
in spite of our neglectful manners toward you again and again.
You remain grounded with your feet planted on solid earth,
waiting for us to come back to find ourselves again.
You witness our sorrow but know the wiser way to avoid
falling into new disappointments and despair
one more time.
There is one thing we need to learn from you.
We need to learn to discern your voice from the crowd.
We need to learn to notice your voice when it gets confused
with that voice that self-punishes, invalidates and distorts our view.
We need to attune our hearing to the clever sound of your voice.
We need to imagine all the possible turns our lives can take
If we commit to you
If we see you as our greater companion
If we acknowledge no one has greater wise advice
than the one that comes from you.
Intuition, you have been waiting for us to return,
and here we are, open, eager and decided!
We have decided to give you the place you deserve in our lives.
We raise our hands in front of you, promising loyalty
We etch your words in stone
We record your words in our heart
We will create a song that reminds us of you
We will talk about you to family and friends
We will be eager to sit with you every day
close our eyes and listen,
practice listening,
until we get used to the gentle, loving tone
of your voice.
This is our love poem to you, intuition.
I hope you accept our pledge for forgiveness
for leaving you.
I wish you receive and stay with us.
This is our chance to know what we are made of.
Intuition of our life, we hold your hand
really loving you and trusting you again.
“Intuition is always right in at least two important ways.
It is always in response to something.
It always has your best interest at heart” ~ Gavin de Becker
Merari Fernandez is a native Puerto Rican woman, who has found in writing the power of healing herself and the world. Encouraged as a child to put her mind into writing by her grandmother, she has found it beneficial when she cannot find the spoken words and when she has something important to say that can shake someone’s perspective. She is a therapist in private practice in Chicago at The Healing Journey Psychotherapy, and has devoted her life to work with survivors of abuse as well as with any suffering human being who has come to her for support and help. She loves Yoga, animals, the sun, the moon, the sea and the forest and anything that claim to be alive. Although, she feels deeply connected to her past ancestors. She continuous finds new ways to be present with her current life and is open to what life brings to her.
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