We Make Our own Medicine.

The more we tune in, the more we trust. The more we receive ourselves, the more we are revealed, in truth, to ourselves as artists, lovers, healers — teachers — of this New Now Age.
The energy that we are, the tuning process, the songs that rise and fall as we do — how does it all work?
Everything is vibration. This we know. Plants, flowers, herbs, crystals, have long been used to settle the unsettled parts of the human body and to soothe the bruised psyche. They help tame the wild beasts within. To offer compassion for pain, kindness to trauma, and forgiveness to strikes against us — even those we inflict on our own.
We accept these gifts for healing purposes.
As we heal, we also realize, that we too possess vibrations as medicines to share with the planet. As we learn how to embody them, we also learn to open wider and share them.
Most of us have learned to look outside of ourselves for just about everything. The thing is, in doing so we miss a lot of the gold that dwells within — like messages, wisdom, signs that lead to wonder, to open, wander and discover more of who we are.
As we pay attention, as we tune in to what’s being said inside of us, our capacity for healing increases. Songs sing as they are set free to do so, like rivers and highways that were once closed off but have now become opened.
Balance is restored. Vibrant rhythms are revived.
What do the herbs, plants, flowers, and gemstones offer? They carry high vibrations for healing and restoration, cleaner energy that elicits freedom and vital circulation.
We are created to flow.
Mosquitoes breed in stagnant waters.
Disease, or caught and trapped mindsets are forms bound by lower frequencies. They are closed off, and lead to decline. Healing energies set free what is being held in unproductive ways, and by unproductive tensions, traumas or forces.
Embodying the fullness that we are involves learning how to decipher the language that speaks within us, to us.
Learning to see beyond the eye by listening is our sacred work. To tune in and feel the sound of music, sensing within ourselves and within our surroundings, will unleash a plethora of healing waves that will serve the entire contents of this planet.
When we listen, we can heal. We can feel our own wise codes. We can restore imbalance, feed what is hungry, nourish what is depleted, and revive what may seem dead. We can explore all that calls to us for attention.
Artist, Lover, Healer, Teacher — these roles rise naturally within us as we open to learn the wisdom and knowledge buried inside like treasure. It’s rising like a horizon to the surface of Now.
We are called to be present in our own presence.
To hear our songs, share them as medicine, and to serve our planet by healing it with the music within.
Julie A. Sergel was born a curious soul, raised by the wind and held by the moon. She loves both city and country (mostly city), prefers adventure and otherworldly companions, and knows her heartbeat to be held by IAmCitizenJane, a lifestyle brand and philosophy — the Art, Beauty and Spirit of the She Revolution. She just released her latest book, Empress Embodied: Divine Feminine Worth and Wealth in the Material World.
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