Hey, Code-Breaker. {poetry}

What program
beneath the program
holds you
back from becoming
a solid evolutionary?
An artful leader of
your own soul’s
to set you free?
You need to retrieve
the Code-Breaker.
The one who knows how to operate
in your depths,
reveal to you
through the trap door, under
the fabric of the culture of media-driven,
sociopolitical, economic strains, under
the skin of the relationships that no longer
serve soul, under
that which mutes the colors of your
healthy living,
creative loving,
passionate serving.
An initiatory act of rebellion
is a subversive maneuver to
take heart
while it shatters the old code.
To lean into hope,
to make love
from the re-purposed materials
of your tender life.
To live with courage even in its absence is
to live authentically especially when
it costs everything.
To free yourself enough,
to heal yourself enough
from the effects of the culturally-mastered
virus; the Diabolical Hacker of your soul.
Time to reset your organically beautiful, wild
system of body, mind, heart and soul.
This is the underground
work of freedom.
Messy. Uncivilizing. Scary. Sexy.
To free your mind
to submit, holy embodied
to the fire, the one
oddly kindled
by your glowing fears, the fears that
keep you from realizing —
I mean, fully realizing —
that so-called reality
is a pre-fab construction
by what poet Diane di Prima calls the Metal Men —
the ones who pull the levers
to keep you enslaved, paying taxes,
ingesting poison,
consuming, shushing
your dreams and killing
the earth.
What the fuck, right?
The work that often derails the hearty evolver
is the move into your fears
of rejection
by people you know
who do not want to be free,
who will not join you in evolution,
who may even try to undermine
your heart’s desire
to be fully alive.
And then, there is
the fear that you might go
bat-shit crazy if
you are free.
Yes? But listen:
these fears are the allies
of the Metal Men.
They count on you
to feed them.
Do not.
When you’re ready enough,
reach up
through the rubble with your
dusty, bloodstained hand, and
with all you got,
answer the call
from the Code-Breaker.
Soft like honey you will become, sweet and potent,
companioned by Vulnerability and Courage,
flanked by No-choice
but to dive hard into your artistry,
your freaky-true way of serving —
serving your soul and others — severing
with a sharp, large blade
your familiar, habitual, and
outmoded ways
of being accepted by others,
but not loved
by yourself.
If you take this way,
you will know
it is the one you can wholeheartedly choose,
the only one that wants to ravish you open,
take you apart, scare you sacred,
shake you down,
make you
human to re-member
you came here
to be free.
This way,
the one that appears
through the crack in the rubble,
the one that says, This Way to Mystery,
this way through to the door with the unfastened
hinges to the Unknown,
darkly sparkling life-sources, gifts
with no shortage of delivering deliciously
artful madness.
This way
to freedom.
My prayer is this:
That you embody
your sweaty-palmed longing to rave —
with soul as freedom’s teacher and
spirit as badass trail guide to lead you
to the know-how in your shattered, open heart.
The heart of you
that knows gusty winds and cosmic downpours
do not last.
The heart of you,
reverent now, having kissed
Death’s evolutionary intelligence —
licks life alive again,
giving birth
to screaming rebellion,
to the freedom to
give it all back to
the crying earth.
To pay the only debt we owe.
Melissa La Flamme is a visionary artisan of cultural evolution. As an author, poet, Jungian & shamanic psychotherapist and troublemaker, she kindles soul’s smoldering longing for everything real. She helps hack and track the smell of our longing to fully inhabit our life. She shows us how to enact our own prison break, from the inner and outer lockdowns we have unknowingly built. Melissa teaches the soul’s clandestine trade. The trade of the code-breaker of our one authentic life. The way of the Holy Hacker of our soul. The one writhing alive in our glistening, raving heart, vulnerable, ravished, undone and messy in a world where anything but is the safe way to belong. Visit her at her website, and on Facebook.
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