I Am Walking Through Trees, Falling in Love. {poetry}

I am walking through trees
a single moon peaks through the branches
standing silently
my thoughts crash upon me like waves
I am saved by a soft sound lingering upon the forest floor
and the core of the earth
begins to sing within me.
A silhouette forms like foam on the shore
and a man appears
with eyes like that of a wolf.
He howls.
The night shakes
sky breaks
and a second moon takes its place
in the space his heart should be.
I watch as his face becomes clearer
his breath a ghost
in the crisp, midnight air
a stare we share
for a moment
which echoes throughout the atmosphere
of eternity.
Without words, I call him near
and within his wind I hear
the beat of my lover’s heart.
We start
in a moment of darkness and a fierce feeling
of everlastingness
and like elastic bands
we unleash and are boundless and soundless
and quickly slip into one another’s formlessness.
We find infinity
in this dance of the wild
like a child
reaching for the love of her mother.
He hovers
above me, his body a shadow
seeking mine,
his hands
two mirrors awaiting a face
to embrace
and reflect the beauty embodied beneath
the skin.
With claws so kind
he begins to tear through the layers of my mind
and lays me down gently
gracefully, hoping to see
the pieces of me
hidden so far between
that which I fear
and that which I love.
So I surrender,
unhinge the locks
break through the wall
and call back to him without words.
I map his body without eyes
and upon the rush of his sigh
I can feel the morning lift.
The sand will shift,
the tide will rise
all within his chest’s movements
and I am sent into the depths of his being
I grow weary,
each time he touches me
tastes me
takes me to lands
which expand upon the horizon
of his soul.
I am ready
for him to take hold.
He howls.
The vibration rings throughout my body
and the dirt beneath us begins to separate
as we recreate
the definition of lust
and love takes over.
It is through the trees I can see
a single moon reflecting itself upon my feet
bare like his back as I watch it curve
like that of a wolf
and together
we call out to the wild
and in silence, the earth responds:
Let go.
So I watch
as his luminescent hands
trace my body
as if it was Braille
and his mouth inhale
my breath as if it were smoke
and his eyes stoke
the embers of my passions
and a second moon is born between us
as a hush falls upon the land
like sand being swept by the shore
eternity unravels
the tapestry rebuilds
as we begin to love
in the crisp air of midnight.
Raised in Canada, Marly Jean is a restless rambler with a sacred yet sinful attachment to art. It is both her dark and her light; her muse and her addiction. In words she could never describe the feelings that hide far beneath the veil of her face… but she still tries. Vulnerability is the sugar sprinkled upon the canvas of a masterpiece; to expose the spaces she thought to be silent. Spending most of her time traveling, working with kids, making art and making love — her life mirrors what she feels so deeply within herself. She enjoys very long walks on the beach, writing poetry and short stories, reading tarot, painting murals, pencil crayon drawings, and sucking the nectar from each second of her life. If you were to go looking for such a person you would be wise to try the hillside, where the trees tower, or the sea… or her website, and on Facebook. As in the words of Oscar Wilde, “She lives the poetry she cannot write.”
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