Once Upon a Tide of Tears. {poetry}

Once upon a time, I created a rhyme
about a little girl with a huge heart
who had Love and knew how to use it.
Soon after that time,
there was a young girl whose heart hurt.
She had Love,
but forgot how to use it.
To not use it
confused it
and with hurt in her heart,
she didn’t know how to start
to learn to trust Love again.
She did her best
always, all ways,
but got lost in the maze.
Once upon a time not many years past,
there was a baby girl becoming a teen.
That heart was broken, but bandaged.
She had learned mostly not to cry,
but to keep tears inside.
She knew how to retreat and to hide.
This seemed the way to go
to fit the status quo.
It didn’t feel true,
but not knowing what else to do,
she said her Fines,
smiled, and looked the part…
while worrying about her heart.
She could never understand
the sleight of hand
behind the why she should not cry.
Once upon a time,
a few decades past,
there was a young woman.
Intuitively, she knew
that choking tears that held fears
so as to plaster on the mask
of dry eyes
was not wise.
But, she drowned in self-doubt
hearing the same words everywhere she turned:
“Shh… don’t cry. You’re okay.”
“Shh… there, there. You’re fine.”
“Shh… don’t cry.”
Unspoken behind each Shh,
she heard the words every time:
“If no one around me would cry,
perhaps neither will I
and all will be well.
That’s the story I’ll sell
and tell myself again and again.”
The girl’s well of tears got so deep,
that slippery slope so steep,
she reached the darkest of places.
In the depths, she could tell
her heart was not well.
She spiraled,
she fell,
she descended into despair.
Nothingness was where
she no longer cared
or fought, just feared.
In a way she felt dead
with fewer thoughts in her head,
then agony would scream in
and she’d feel again
more than she knew how to hold.
When the tears finally returned,
they were fierce,
they were bold.
They whetted her thirst for Life.
Tears flowed, and with them
she could feel again
Love, sorrow, joy and strife.
The liquid of tears rinsed years’
warnings that we must not cry.
Stardust in the sky
is a breathtaking reason to cry
over the splendor of the moon, the stars and the sun.
With no space to cry,
we lose sight of why
Beauty should move us to tears.
We don’t cry after years
of absorbing others’ fears
that we’ll never stop or we’ll go mad.
But madness lies in the very lies
that choke our cries
so we can go with the Fine status quo.
Once upon a time right now,
there is a woman who knows
that through tears, our life flows.
There’s a wealth of health
in breaking the dam
and standing in the Truth of I am.
Whether bubbly, mad, scared or sad,
there’s madness in not being me.
There are lies behind not being free.
So let the tears go.
Let’s Life’s river flow.
This I now know…
When tears bathe the heart
Life becomes art
and we learn to Love again.
Tracy Stamper is a dancer at heart, in mind, of body, and with words. She is blessed and blissed to call dancing her profession, thanks to the transformational conscious movement form of Nia. She teaches Nia classes and offers Nia White Belt Trainings for fellow dancers at heart, in mind, and of body. Tracy lives in St. Louis in a home on a little hill, with a whimsical wind sculpture out front, and two crazy rescue beagle boy dogs and the two human loves of her life inside. Her current favorite colors are purple, orange and glitter. She likes her chocolate dark, her little bubble of a world Personalitics-free, her inspiration flowing, and her car dances to be uninhibited. You can connect with her on her website, Nia website, Facebook or Shine siSTAR Shine.
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