I Will Never Be Controlled or Owned. {poetry}

I will never be controlled or owned
I want to live my life, following the sun, dancing in rivers, gazing at the moon, and feeling the heat from a fire at night.
I will have kids when they come to me, not when I am told.
I would rather make a bed in the back of my car and live there than share a space with a man in a mansion who thinks he owns my time.
Time does not exist, and no one can be owned.
I would rather live in a tent in the woods than compress my mind and soul in a box on the grid.
I would rather live large with pennies in my pocket than live with a bank account filled with cash that ties me to a desk and a screen.
I would scream.
Money does not identify me.
The spirit inside sets me free.
I am intelligent, my degree is my passport.
I want to live my life following the sun, dancing in rivers, gazing at the moon, and feeling the heat from a fire at night.
I own memories, not memorabilia.
My home has become that which fits on my back, and this is all I need to live happily.
Taking to the road as a gypsy warrior, I hold my own, but my heart is not made of stone, I am soft.
I want a lover who will hold me gently, the way a grandmother’s hand picks the bush flower from the stem.
With care and grace to not disturb the entire bush’s resting place.
I love what my heart desires, no boundaries.
My love is defined by me and no one else.
I am not owned, nor do I possess another being.
Together we exist.
I am intelligent, my degree is my passport.
I want to live my life following the sun, dancing in rivers, gazing at the moon, and feeling the heat from a fire at night.
Keeping my consumption at bay has become the easiest way to live healthily and without large amounts of money.
I want to eat in peace, eyes closed, with every bite appreciating and acknowledging that love went into that meal, that mother lost something in order to provide for me, and being thankful I get the chance to embrace this wonderful fuel.
I would rather swim naked in a lake under the sun than drown in the World Wide Web where female nipples are censored.
I would rather climb a tree than climb the social ladder.
I want to swig tequila from a bottle and feel the burn, talk to an elder and really learn.
I would rather suffocate with the orangutans in Borneo than spend a second on Wall Street with the wolves.
I am intelligent, my degree is my passport.
I want to live my life, following the sun, dancing in rivers, gazing at the moon, and feeling the heat from a fire at night.
I do not want to be trapped by a house, a mortgage or a relationship.
You never really own anything, and this is how you learn the art of non-attachment.
I will wait tables for the rest of my life at minimum wage over being confined to a office like a puppet on a stage.
Money and boners bore me.
Hair under my armpits excite me, and lines on my face describe me.
I am intelligent, my degree is my passport.
Australia-based writer Ella Noah Bancroft is a word-weaver, traveler, lover, poet, mentor, director and daydreamer. She has a passionate voice for women’s empowerment, environmental issues, indigenous affairs, spiritual ideals and gay rights. Her work reflects her own path of discovery, and she hopes to empower people to live their truth and be authentic to their souls. You could contact Ella via her website.
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