The Beautiful, Wild You We’ve Been Waiting For.

{Photo credit: Joe Cogliandro}
The idea of the Hero’s Journey gets thrown around a lot, but there is a lot of truth in realizing you’re on your own path, with all the uncertainty and freedom this brings.
Discovering who you are is real-life mythology. Joseph Campbell calls it the soul’s high adventure. When I first heard that phrase, I knew more than anything that’s what I wanted from my life: to be on a high adventure with my soul — to live with beauty, excitement, and vibrancy, even if it threw some parts of my life into uncertainty.
I spent a lot of time as a young woman wondering where I fit in. What was I here to do? What was my path? How come I couldn’t just get it together, get a real job, and live in the real world?
It wasn’t until my reached my 30’s that I realized that living in this uncertainty, edge-walking into the unknown, nourishing the wild places in myself, was leading into my path. There’s so much aliveness and expansion when I can give myself permission to live from the inside out. The inside is full of mystery, feelings, sensuality, and experiencing this ride we’re on, both alone and together.
It’s so much juicier there.
You have to tune into your own self, your own wildness, to find what you’re looking for. Sure, there are lots of people who can mirror that for you, and hold your inner gold for a while. Some of these people will actually be your greatest teachers, or they may be a temporary stand-in for your own beauty on the road to you fully realizing it for yourself. But just know, to really find it, you have to go all in (to you!).
You know that place that is beating from the inside. Go there. Go all the way. Feel into the mystery. Soften into the edges.
There’s an ocean of desire in there, somewhere, and if you learn to swim in that place, to let that ocean carry you, it will take you right into the center of your high adventure. It’s the place of wonder, of fierce longing, of deeply feeling into the current that you know is there, maybe before anyone else does.
We are all in the process of becoming. You are in the process of becoming. It’s everyone’s journey, but it’s also just yours. It’s just you. You are the love of your love life. There’s no way but your way, really, so use whatever it takes to get there. Drive out into the open. Stay out late with the wild things and the heartbreakers. Wear your boots. Fall in love with the people you shouldn’t.
Come back when you’ve had your fill.
Let yourself be captured by the unknown. The unknown is your journey. It’s the place where things open up and reveal themselves in unexpected ways. Where the Universe meets your greatest longing, where the doors open, where a potent, real love awaits you. When the radio is on, and all you want to do is listen. Where you are walking into the most beautiful night in the slow, fading light of the city.
I don’t know what you’ll find there, but there is magic, and there is mystery. There is a sliver of moonlight, and there are all the things you’ve wanted but didn’t know how to find.
Your journey begins with you. Stay with that song on the radio that makes your heart beat faster, and you break open into a moment, and and then you keep breaking until you’re completely broken open, and you’re simply being in that. The sweetest gift you’ll ever know is your own self coming alive and into life.
The more you move forward with your self, your calling, and your desires, even in the face of not knowing, is when the adventure really begins to unfold. It’s you. It’s the wild, beautiful you we’ve been waiting for.
Moriah Norris-Hale is a writer, mama, and a teacher who lives in the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina. She’s in a constant process of discovery, and trying to understand this adventure called Life we are on. She loves helping people, especially women, discover more of who they are, what their deepest gifts and desires are, and how to bring more of those gifts into the world. These days, she spends a lot of time with her two-year-old daughter, playing and fostering a lot of play, curiosity, and wonder. You can read more of her writing at her website, or connect with her on Instagram.
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