Cobra: Snake Medicine. {poetry}

Where are those places in nature, in the rain, where you feel your brittle heart crack and you still feel the most like you?
Look around your wild soul, standing in the evergreens, needles beneath your feet, and see what creatures or spiderwebs catch your eye at this exact moment, this exact second of your life. How do your toes feel when you dip them in a crystal-clear stream?
What happens to your eyes when the ice-winds of winter ravish your vision? Did you see a fox or two on your journey? Was a rabbit quietly listening as you talked to yourself, making the big plans? Did a buck stare directly into your longing soul as you passed him by, his astonishing wisdom on your mind?
I find treasures in the caves of the Earth’s soul, and the hills of the World’s heart, as my feet walk back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. I wander. I wish I could fly, with feathery wings, strong in the air.
Sometimes I see an animal in my mind’s eye, and sometimes one actually crosses my path. There is always a wild message there.
Open your eyes, plant your feet. Notice. Even if the meaning for you is not clear, just take in the profound beauty of this planet at this time. Notice the adventure that lives and breathes all around you in every moment. Every soul — human, animal, tree — is a part of the soul network.
The following words are for someone who stopped, noticed and thrilled at the Snake Medicine all around her, at this moment, at this exact time. She knows who she is.
She wades through murky waters
Holding a candle in the exact place where her whole heart once sat, waiting for the quiet return of some secret message from the wilds
Why do you come to her in dreams and visions, Cobra, moving around her with a stealthy, focused, reflective eye?
Where did you find the fierce, lost, starry particles of her hope?
Give her your fire, Cobra
Awaken her soul so that she once again walks through trees, wild-hearted, with snakes draping her neck
Her spirit laughing and singing with the strong voice of the hawk
Show her the picture of her completeness
You, Cobra, move through the sticks
Awakening on your mind, coiling around the shapes of her past as she pushes them out into the sky, turning them into golden birds, with wings dipped in rain
Now, she feels the flames, she is not afraid of you, serpent, she understands your mission, you hold her to the ground, even though her spirit soars
She walks through rivers
The stars of Aquarius behind her eyes
She wanders on dirt and grass, seeking a glimpse of a dragonfly
She is fierce, so don’t let her gentleness confuse you when you see her wandering
out there
She transforms and becomes the wolf, the bear, the cobra
the dark icicles of old days, transformed with Cobra magic into her re-purposed purpose
She is transformed. She is different. She is the same. She is She.
Maura Coyne is a seeker, a dirty wild horse girl, and a lover of the passionate life. She practices hypnotherapy, equine therapy and energy/breathwork to assist others in removing the blocks and obstacles that often prevent them from moving forward on their life path. Teaching others to transmute the heavy and dark challenges that they face, by moving them into the light of creativity, strength and spirit, she is committed to healing herself along the way, and witnessing miracles in Nature. If you are interested in a little soul archaeology of your own, contact her at Wild Goose Farm, named for her patriarchal Coyne ancestral line. She aspires to continue going on wild goose chases for the rest of her time on the planet.
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