New Moon and Solar Eclipse: Prepare for an Inner Ascension.

This past weekend was the New Moon in Pisces, and a very powerful solar eclipse.
Very intense energies are at play right now, changing the frequency of how you communicate, how you feel and who you are.
It’s a special time on our planet, although it can be pretty overwhelming. Eclipses affect the earths electromagnetic field, which in turn affects everything on earth, including humans. The electromagnetic field alters so that our energy resonates with the new frequency coming in from the Universe.
Because of these changes, you probably noticed that your emotions, thoughts, and feelings have been very intense, and reactionary. This happens in order to find balance with the new energies coming in. This process (although not as intense) will continue until August.
Eclipses are doors or gateways that open wide so that we can enter a new cosmically charged higher dimension of being. The New Moon and eclipse arriving together illuminate and help to push the need to let go of old painful wounds and trauma, so that they can be healed and our energy can be focused on creating anew.
This gateway also provides for prime time to manifest. Allow your release through crying, memories, or writing, then focus your attention on what you do want. Without fear or attachment. It is possible to achieve these manifestations immediately. I have seen this with many clients, colleagues and friends.
The veil (the layer between us and other dimensions) is thin, and the connections to the Universe and manifesting dimensions are unusually close.
Pisces is a sign of surrender and release, as well as that of opening of a more intuitive nature. You may be feeling a free-floating type of anxiety, coupled with a sense of synchronicity. Knowing what someone will say before they say it, and connecting with others on a more intuitive level. It can be very helpful to connect to your fellows on a deeper level, however, this is part of the anxiety you’re feeling.
Hearing and feeling the thoughts and emotions of others can be overwhelming, but it is all to achieve more oneness with the world. This is all a part of the ascension process, especially at this time. Try not to attach to the anxiety, and just know it’s around you, but not all about you. During these phases and ascensions, it is hard for the human body to implement all these energies at once.
Could you imagine being able to feel and hear everyone at the same time? Its too much for us, but we do need change. This is the process. Take time for rest, drink lots of water, and take it easy. It will pass.
All three of the cards I pulled intuitively are also about ascension as well as the confirmation that you are on the right path.
Melchizedek is here to assist earth through the ascension process. You have learned so much to this point, and learning more every day. The challenges you have faced are preparing you for an inner ascension, where you will move beyond another level of fear onto another level of love. In order to do this, you allow the release and healing of old wounds.
Divine intervention is taking place at this time, what is occurring in your life is providing a learning curve for your soul. The path you are on is right, and the Universe is encouraging you to move forward. You are receiving many messages and downloads right now. Hearing high-pitched noises, ringing or clogging in the ear, seeing flickers of light, or having a sense that beings are visiting you are signs of this.
We are sextile right now, with Venus, so it’s no surprise that Lady Venus is coming to earth to help with connections, understandings, and love during this process. Allow her light and guidance to come through to you. Helping you through this process of healing and transformation.
Becky Hernandez (The Misfit Yogi) is an intuitive healer, freedom writer, guided meditator, yogi and life experience seeker. She believes that all is magic, and magic is all there is. She is currently trying to embrace the path of most resistance. You could contact her via her website or Instagram.