Sap Moon: Clarity, Planning & Moving Forward.

The Full Moon is occurring on March 12 at 10:54 am Eastern Time in the sign of Virgo at 22 degrees.
This is the first Full Moon after the February eclipse season, and it will give us some much needed clarity as we digest fully all that has risen in the last few weeks.
After the eclipse season, we still feel the effects of it for the next six months as we integrate the lessons and information we have learned and move forward with the ongoing changes. Eclipses are powerful doorways into transformation, and the ones that occurred in February are marking some huge shifts in our world with big manifestations still to come.
This Full Moon is whispering that we need to trust that there is a master plan unfolding at our feet. Yes, it can be hard to see at times, especially when everything around you is changing. But it is there.
Venus went retrograde on March 4, where she will stay until April 15. The Venus Retrograde period brings some powerful energy into our lives as it reflects to us the lessons and areas that are in need of being seen in our personal relationships and the feelings deep within our own heart.
With the ongoing Jupiter Retrograde, this energy is asking that we look within at our changing perceptions for how we want our relationships to look and what we are genuinely needing.
Venus is here to clear away blocks if we listen and open to her messages. She holds a huge spotlight on what is not working in our partnerships, what we are authentically feeling, where we need to open deeper to love, and where we’ve been settling.
She doesn’t peel the layers back on our hearts to hurt us, but to help us. She shows us what we need to see.
In the aftermath of the eclipses, we are being called to embrace the truth and destiny that we have been dreaming of for so long. The time has come to create the action plan needed to follow your desires forward towards the bright horizons that are calling. Virgo is a master planner, so she can aid us in fleshing out the details and plans we need to succeed.
The clearer we are able to get, the more we will be able to implement them in the coming weeks, especially once the Aries New Moon is happening at month’s end.
Mercury is squaring Saturn on the 12th, which is calling our attention to the areas where we are having issues breaking up with old ways of doing things.
Pay attention to where you are being held back by old patterns. This can cause havoc when we are trying to see a new way forward into the future. It can be hard to disconnect from the ways in which it has always been done. But becoming numb and moving through the motions just because is no way to thrive.
The Moon trine Pluto on the 12th reminds you of your natural strength and inner power, and that while it can seem difficult at times, you do have what it takes to make the changes needed in your world. Have faith and stick to the plans you have for the future. Don’t give up now.
This Moon is also asking that we watch the stories that we tell. Becoming conscious of the words we speak that become spells in our world is very necessary right now. If we are wanting to change our world, we need to change the stories that we tell. Start telling a new story.
Talk about the amazing things in your world, and all the bright new beginnings. Get excited about what is unfolding. There is huge power and momentum in focusing our energy right now in positive ways, especially when it comes to shifting our perspectives.
During the eclipses, we are shown what we are needing to let go of and what we need to clear away in order to bring about the bright future we dream of. Virgo is a cleanser, and she is calling for us to sweep our sacred spaces clean. This pertains to all aspects of our lives, from our bodies to our homes and our relationships.
This is a powerful time to dive deeper into health routines, re-committing to areas which feed our bodies and our spirits, and making routines that nurture our health and growth.
The March Full Moon is traditionally called the Sap Moon, and its message is that no matter how blocked or frozen things may seem, the time has come for them to release and flow forward. There is much moving now in the unseen. Trust in the unfolding.
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March 11, 2017 at 3:16 pm[…] More moon stuff: Sap Moon: clarity, planning + moving forward. […]