See Yourself as a ‘Dreamgirl’.

I adore music and have different artists for every mood. Music inspires my body and soul, and today I am in a very soulful mood. I lie here in the grass on a beautiful spring day as the sun shines through my strawberry blonde hair and onto my pale white skin. Then my music library shuffles to Dave Matthews Band and the song “Dreamgirl” begins my turn-on, and then continues with “Crash Into Me,” both of which make my soul sing with desire and orgasmic energy. It feels very fitting for this divine moment. I start singing along and thinking about how every woman should have at least one man, if not more, in her life that looks at her this way. I close my eyes and dream of one of my lovers sitting next to me and staring at me with a mischievous boyish grin of desire and hope. Taking in not only the sun reflecting off my body, but also looking deep into my soul to see all the beautiful little messy parts of me that he adores. It brings a beautiful smile to my face and pulsing in my pussy. I start to dream of my ‘Dream-man’ where we continually and playfully ‘crash’ together! Chasing after one another in an animalistic playful way that is also sensual, where we are eating each other up, and can’t get enough at that moment.
Every woman should be looked at with this intense love and passion! Every woman should be considered a divine forest of intricacies that is to be discovered and devoured. Where they are viewed as beautiful works of art that frequently hear how they turn their man on physically and emotionally. Every woman should hear how their man gets “tied up and twisted” when thinking about their woman’s body.
Where they are being chased by their man, and are viewed as the most amazing dream where a man continually wants to dive deeper and deeper into her body and soul, and also where she sees all this intense desire in his eyes when he looks at her.
I meet with so many women who hate themselves and all the little imperfections that create their divine uniqueness. As a woman myself, I get it, so though I can’t say that I love every single aspect of myself every moment of the day, but as women, we should feel like our lovers are reveling in all those little pieces.
I am all for women learning to love and embrace themselves, and so this does not take the responsibility off the woman for loving herself, but the Divine Masculine has the ability to show his Goddess even deeper levels of her own divinity.
In order to reach those depths of divinity, however, she needs someone to hold her — not just physically, but also emotionally hold space for her to open. This means beautiful orgasmic moments along with moments of tears, laughter, and if she’s anything like me, sometimes a great big mixture of the two at once.
It will be like watching the most beautiful volcano erupt over and over again the deeper you take her. However, this requires a man to be in his Divine Masculine energy where she can fully trust and allow herself to go to these beautiful depths.
When a woman is in this place, you can see the energy radiating off her being, and her beauty seems to be increased tenfold. She sends out love and openness into the world, and brings you right along with her on the journey.
Many men talk about wishing their woman was more playful, but you may need to help her drop into that playfulness. Women on a primal level were made to be chased, and men were meant to be our pursuers. Men should be looking at their woman like she is the most divine prize to be won over and over again, and should be tapping into their most primal instincts as men.
Every time you have sex with a woman, you should be discovering her like it’s the very first time because, honestly, you have never truly had sex with this version of her before. Women are constantly changing and never the same, so explore her, devour her, hold her so close that she can surrender to not only you but herself.
Throughout daily life, I often hear comments about how we should not be objectifying women. I totally agree that women are people to be appreciated for more than their bodies. However, with these messages, I feel, as a society, we have turned into a place where men feel wrong or perverse for appreciating, complimenting, or being aroused by the feminine form.
This is a grave misfortune because the female form is divine and is meant to be honored and appreciated.
I want to hear how a man finds pleasure in the curve of my breast or the sway of my hips, just as much as I savor when a lover tells me that he enjoys my youthful spirit and how my eyes portray my caring heart. All of these things make up Me in my Divine Feminine and, ultimately, who I am as a whole person — physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
Compliments may be difficult for a woman based upon learnt programming, but a woman in tune with herself will revel in these statements. The key is to compliment a woman just for the pure pleasure of sharing your pleasure with her, and not in order to simply convince her to engage in sexual play.
Goddesses are meant to be worshiped just for the pure fact that they are each uniquely and divinely beautiful, and in turn, a Goddess who feels worshiped will worship her God!
Men: Play with her; arouse her body and her mind. Fuck her wide open physically and emotionally, and watch her become your ‘Dreamgirl’. Chase her! Connect to your Masculine so she can connect to her Feminine. Allow yourself to get unabashedly lost in your thoughts of her mind and body. Tell her how you love her and all the beauty you see deep within her.
Allow her to wrap you up in the playful chains of her divine energy. Never get complacent and take her divinity for granted. Continue to hunt to learn every little inch of her, and then start all over again to rediscover her day in and day out.
Women: Don’t settle for anything less than being ravished. Learn to let him in, and drop your masculine walls that have been built up through trauma and toil. See yourself as a ‘Dreamgirl’, and he will begin to see you that way too. Play with daydreams in your head, listen to music that sets your pussy on fire, and explore each and every part of your own body and soul.
Allow yourself to surrender into divine moments of bliss. Let him worship you!
Addison Bell is a local Tantric Practitioner, Experiential Sex Coach, and Body Image Expert. She is known for her fierce passion for helping others reach their life potential. Over the last 10 years, Addison has gathered a multitude of skills and knowledge and has integrated these modalities into her own Tantric healing blend. Addison has a Master’s in Counseling and has training/certifications in sexuality, body image, Reiki, and other experiential techniques. She is a raw and honest individual who uses both her years of experience and her personal journey to help people to move forward. Clients are refreshed by her open and honest approach to issues of body-image, sexuality, desire, and shame. Follow her on her website.
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