What It Doesn’t Mean to Be Feminine.

The Feminine is rising on the planet and many voices are trying to claim her. Trying to claim her power as their own. Trying to harness her, use her, and manipulate her to maintain their flailing and paper-thin structures of control.
Patriarchy wants to co-opt the energy of the Goddess and sell it back to women in a form that feels all too familiar. The Feminine becomes yet another way that we are not measuring up to someone else’s standards of who we should be and how we ought to behave.
As if being feminine was solely for someone else’s pleasure and acceptance.
Then, when we assert our will, we are not being feminine.
If we don’t look pretty and pleasing, we are not being feminine.
If we are too loud or commanding or speak out of turn, we are not being feminine.
Even owning our darkness or reclaiming our entire emotional range is not for our own wellbeing, but simply to be exciting for someone else.
No, no, no.
I will not stand for it any longer. I will not sit idle while patriarchal ideals seep in and attempt to once again strip the Goddess and women of their true power.
I am not feminine for anyone else; it’s not about being pleasing or soliciting a specific response.
It is simply who I am.
Being feminine means stripping away those parts that are not truly you — the parts that you ingested and inherited from the profanely masculine culture at large.
The part that says you are not enough as you are. That you are not worthy in your inherent being-ness. That you need to earn it. That you need to prove yourself to some external authority.
The feminine part of you knows that your ability to feel things deeply is not a weakness, but one of your superpowers. She owns it. She owns the joy, the pleasure, the sadness, and the rage not for someone else’s entertainment, but for herself. To experience her own wholeness.
The feminine part of you revels in the knowledge that she is in fact her body. And her mind. And her feelings. And her soul. One does not exclude the other. She integrates them all into herself, for herself.
And being feminine is not about what you do or don’t do. There is no way to do it wrong. It’s about coming back to who you are and who you were before you were told that it somehow wasn’t enough.
Don’t believe people who tell you what you need to do in order to be more feminine.
Being feminine doesn’t mean wearing makeup or not wearing makeup.
It doesn’t mean being soft and gentle all the time. Nor does it mean being fierce and warrior-like. Nor does it mean embodying that whole spectrum for anything besides your own fullness and the right to feel the way that you actually feel.
And being feminine sure as hell doesn’t equate to being subservient. Or staying quiet. Or ceding your will to the direction of a man.
This is the newly spiritualized patriarchy, and it works shockingly the same way as it always has, but in lighter and more eco-friendly clothing.
It keeps women small and quiet by telling them that they are not enough. It snatches away our agency under the mask of it being a hallmark of the masculine.
No, this is the time for the real Feminine to rise. And she rises not to be pleasing to anyone. Instead, she rises on behalf of herself in the name of the Goddess, for she knows that is what it means to truly rise on behalf of all.
Linda Katz is a writer, artist, Wild Feminine Life Coach and founder of Singing Bird Coaching. For the last several years, Linda has been on a journey of unearthing her own feminine soul, and now she helps guide others on their paths of becoming. By reclaiming the connection with your body, tapping into your true soul desires, and sharing your voice from a place of fullness, you will unleash your own Sovereign Feminine, your inner Queen. You can connect with Linda via her website, Facebook, or Instagram.
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