I Am Wild: A Feminist Love Letter. {poetry}

I never needed you.
I never awoke in the middle of the night reaching for you.
The only flesh I reach for is my own, and the bones I crave are the ones underneath my skin standing upright and strong.
I do not need saving.
Do not lay your body down and sacrifice the things you hunger for.
I won’t ask you to turn off that light in your eyes, the light that drew me in.
I do not need protecting.
You forget I am not just body, I am soul.
And I have many more galaxies to go.
I never waited for you.
I have walked to your door, then turned around and found my way home. Just because I like to walk in the quiet of the night.
I do not ask you to compromise, hold back, be nice.
I do not ask you to make me feel special.
I want you to hold me to the fire.
Let it burn me with every touch.
I will not melt.
I will dance naked around this fire, and hold you to my skin when the wind blows just right.
Do not ask me to be nice and quiet.
I am wild. I trace the stars with my fingers and flick the night sky between my thighs.
When I am close, I do not purr, I moan.
I’m not domesticated, my fire you cannot claim as your own.
Want me with the innocence of your childhood.
How you ran to your favorite tree to climb when you were lonely. Climb here, and stay all day.
Hide with me under the table, and tell me the secrets you were told to never say.
Want me like your birthday presents. Discover new ways to unwrap me.
Want me with the hunger of a soldier home from war. Kissing every inch of my earth remembering just what you’ve been fighting for.
Remember me like you remember apple pie in the summer. Devour every inch.
Feel me as if you went blind, as if my lips are the first ones you’ve tried.
Taste me like the ancient spices of a secret religion. Where desire is holy, and drunk like wine.
Walk next to me, and don’t tell me where to go. I am ever changing and dancing like the flecks of sunshine on the sea.
Do not try to impress me with lies of normalcy. I have no time to waste.
I am not interested in the mundane details of your life, where you’ve been or where you are going.
I want only to know what keeps you achingly alive.
I want to know that you could be anywhere else and you choose to be undone with me now.
Not that you want me so much that you could die, but you want me so much that you live.
And when I’m tired, take my arm in the park, like we’ve aged 40 years.
Crave me until you don’t.
And then release me.
I’d rather you be drunk on joy
Than good.
Maria Palumbo’s ‘soul mission’ is to awaken women to their innate power. Beginning in community mental health, Maria served as a psychotherapist with a specialization in healing trauma wounds. Recently she burst through the box of psychotherapy to create her own model of self-discovery, which stokes the holy fire within women worldwide. Maria integrates holistic therapies of Yoga, meditation, and dance therapy with her own model of healing that creates breakthroughs quickly. Acutely aware of the innate genius in all, Maria works with women to help them remember their joy. She is the creator and dream-maker of BodyLove Goddess Photo Shoot, an event that is the impetus for a body-love revolution. She is also a mentor for brilliant women all around the world through her Awaken To Your Magic mentorship program. You can contact her via email.
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