4 Tools for Surrendering the Ones You Love.

I learned how to surrender in love when I met my husband, Kevin.
The first year of our marriage, he struggled with his health and we were unable to rely on Western medicine for answers. He had developed an unexplained lump in his arm that no specialist could identify. The biopsy results were foreign, and our only answer was that he had an unexplained virus. His blood work appeared normal, however, his physical body was deteriorating before my eyes.
He was losing weight, complained of chest pain, dizziness, shortness of breath, and muscle fatigue.
The night I surrendered was the night Kevin was at his worst. Holding his hand, I helped him off the couch where he was lying. He was so weak he was unable to stand on his own. Offering him my own strength, he allowed me to guide him to bed. As I lay beside him, I followed his shallow breath.
Unable to leave his side, I heard the voice of fear, “What if he takes his last breath tonight? I must stay awake so that if that happens I can somehow intercede.” This had been our bedtime routine, but this night in particular broke me. I could no longer hold it together or cry behind closed doors, it was time to surrender.
I turned to God, the creator, for strength. I recognized that this entire situation was out of my hands, and my prayer became “Teach me how to surrender, I’m listening.” The answer came to me in four steps:
1. Let go of attachment
When I let go of attachment, I began to recognize that Kevin is a gift. He is not mine, I do not own him. He has his own destiny, and I am blessed enough to walk beside him on this journey. Every day I get to share with this beautiful soul, I now cherish in my heart.
2. Remain present
The future is something impossible to hold, and solely belongs to God. When we allow fear and worry to consume us, we are trying to live in the future. By staying present, I could remind myself, Kevin is here right now. He is breathing, he is talking to me, and we are looking for answers. When worry would creep in, I would remind myself to surrender.
3. Trust
I began to root in the universal truths I had already experienced. What I know to be true is that when God closes a door, He opens a window. When I looked back at my past, I realized that every loss I experienced, whether it was a change in location, career, or even past relationships, the change was always good.
Everything in life, no matter how hard it can seem at the time, happens for the highest and greatest good of all.
4. Remain in gratitude
When I remained in gratitude, I could divert my attention away from fear. I had the power to raise my vibration by focusing on what was working. I would focus on the joy and awareness that Kevin brought into my life daily. I would allow myself to become enveloped in the love we had for each other. I had waited my entire life for Kevin, and I wanted to enjoy every minute.
The lessons of surrendering in love have been the most challenging lessons to learn. I can happily say that when I surrendered, Kevin’s health began to improve. I was guided to the right practitioner through a dream, and this homeopathic doctor was able to see what Western medicine could not. I continue to practice these four tools of surrender in every area of my life.
I am grateful for the soul lessons of this experience, and it is my intention that you may find peace through surrender as well.
Andrea Kehler is a registered Acupuncturist, Reiki Master, and certified Angel Card reader. She combines her knowledge of both Eastern and Western Medicine in her practice as well as her gift of intuition. Having walked through the effects of sexual abuse herself, Andrea now offers tools of healing and guidance to others. She has years of experience supporting clients through trauma, empowering them to find their voice. You could contact her via her website.
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