I Won’t Shut Up.

This one is for the rebels, the loners, the trailblazers, the people who aren’t afraid to stand out, the badasses who don’t give a fuck.
This is for the people who refuse to go with societal viewpoints on what life should look like. The ones who constantly get sideways glances for going against the grain. Those who choose not to partake in meaningless conversations about shit that doesn’t matter. This is for you because it’s time you know that your awakened consciousness is appreciated by someone.
This is for those who refuse to sit down because they make other people uncomfortable. The people who never seem to fit in, the truth-seekers and the way-showers. This is for those who refuse to give up, no matter how bleak a situation may seem. Who choose to keep fighting for what their soul wants from life, and won’t ever settle for ordinary.
This is for you because you deserve to know that what you’re doing matters, not just now, but also for future generations to come.
This is for the strong souls who don’t give a shit about what others think. The people who don’t need to prove anything to anyone in order to feel like they matter. The pillars of light who will continue to stand in their truth and honor themselves with their sheer authenticity.
This is for the people who march to different drummers. Those who aren’t afraid to think for themselves and make a life for themselves. The individuals who refuse to join a clique because it means they will be accepted. Without people like you, I might not see that it is safe for me to be Me in this world where it feels l would be more appreciated to just be like everyone else.
This one is for you, the person who knows what you have been put on this Earth to do, and won’t stop just because you’ve been told No. This is for you who feels incredibly alone at times, but pushes through it anyway even as you watch everything get seemingly handed to others who fit the mold, who don’t ask questions and just play along.
This is for the people who continue to push through the blocks and the barriers that tell them that their skills and their talents aren’t worth a damn because they don’t look like everyone else’s. Those who refuse to believe that they do not bring something magical in their creative expressions simply because not everyone understands it.
Your willingness to be bold and daring in your creativity paves the way for people like me to not only adopt some of your practices, but also allows for me to add my own flavor and spin, making my expression unique to me and more welcomed by others.
This is for the people who refuse to shut up regardless of how many times they have been asked to sit quietly. The brave souls who will continue to speak their truth through words and actions. This is for the individuals who have believed at times that they are not enough, who tend to feel unlovable and not cool enough.
I want you to know that you are needed in this world. I am here with you, as you, watching you and admiring you for being real on a planet that seems so full of fake people. You are the individuals who appear so fearless. You are the beings I model my life after because you have pushed through the blocks and lived to tell about it.
You are the ones who are breaking the mold, playing on the edges of societal rules and stipulations, and creating a life out of it.
I want to tell you that I see you in your struggle of wanting to give up and refusing to quit. I see your exhaustion, and I know you feel annoyed and uncomfortable at times, but your truth is needed and appreciated in this world.
Stay real and stay true to your heart’s deepest longing.
As we support each other in this, I see that it is people like you who are helping to pull me out of my own internal winter season in the heart of summer. I see that though there have been times where I’ve wanted to sit quietly, it is your perseverance that has helped me realize that I have no interest in shutting up. Because of your strength, I refuse to sit down so that others may feel more comfortable with me.
Your authenticity has helped me reconcile my refusal to speak in a way that will make me appear less weird or more ordinary. I have learned that I did that for 32 years of my life as I tried to find acceptance, and in the interest of being honest, I have no desire in ever going back to that way of be-ing.
I have learned that people are always going to say and think whatever they need to say and think, but I won’t let that shut me up. In fact, to them I say, get used to it, because I’m only just getting started.
So thank you for being You. Thank you for being the light this world needs. Thank you for not ever giving up. I see you and I honor you.
This one is for you.
Natalie Sophia is a self-proclaimed writer, healer, yogini. Her mission in life is to heal and be healed. She loves to laugh, to feel and to write. She began her journey of awakening a few years ago, and though there are times she longs to go ‘back to sleep’, she knows she has work to do. Her work and her passion are one and the same, and she hopes to inspire others on their life path to attend to their deepest longings as a soul in a human body. Natalie feels that life is meant to be enjoyed, not endured. She knows that pain can be inevitable, but there is always choice in the story created from that pain. Feel free to check out more from Natalie on her website and Facebook.
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