Mystic Rose: My Magical Journey to India.

About a year ago, I journeyed to India. It was the most magically mystical experience of my life.
I still catch my breath when I think of the way the Universe manifested to conspire for my highest good.
I’d been working for about one year at a tech company near Silicon Valley. It was the job of my dreams. It had all of the things my conditioned Midwest body and mind attributed to success. Title, power, money, control, and influence. My ego mind believed, “I’ve arrived. I’ve proven my self-worth.” Not yet conscious to the fact that I was living what I perceived to be my parents’ dream, rather than my own.
When the tides turned and a corporate restructure leveled the professional foundation I’d built from sand, my attitude subsequently shifted. I went from walking on sunshine to plowing through fields of shit on the daily. I was resentful, and wore figurative boxing gloves to work every day.
In retrospect, as is usually the case, there was a lot going on from which to grow. So many lessons. Codependent behaviors I was unaware of, an intense working environment, extreme pressure and demands, plus general discontent, all triggered my attitude shift. I have kindness and compassion for myself now. Such is life and the adventure of maturing.
When I left that job, my intention was to road trip around the Western US. Then my body stepped in to divert the plan. Hours of a body-crunching commute put me on the couch for weeks. My mind, body, and soul needed some time to heal. Like life will usually do, once I surrendered, things started to flow.
One day I found myself in San Francisco, buying a deck of Osho Zen tarot cards. At the time, I had no idea who Osho was. I remember holding the deck in my hands, really looking at them, then putting them down. I left the store and walked blocks away. Then, God whispered in my ear and I turned around to buy them.
That day I began working with the cards, and that night I had a vision of a woman on my couch. The woman turned out to be a mystic I’d been working. She knew Osho and had lived in his Pune Zen Center for years. So I followed the signs and went to his website and began reading about the different meditative therapies offered in Pune. When my soul read about Mystic Rose, something clicked.
It was on my path to fly overseas and participate in the 21-day meditation where for three hours a day, you laugh, cry, then sit.
It took a few weeks for the information to process through my subtle bodies. Then one night I drew the Master or Osho tarot card. The puzzle was complete.
I phoned an airline. And wouldn’t you know, the job where so much self-misery was manufactured had also earned me enough miles for a free flight to India. I held my one-way fare, and when I hung up the phone, it struck me that I was on my way. I had tingles all over my body. That was about 10 days before Mystic Rose started.
Just like that, through spontaneous action, Source moved me. I organized all the pieces and parts, then made my way to the southern hemisphere. To Pune, where Osho’s Zen Center awaited. From there I embarked on the wildest journey of my life.
Mystic Rose meditation was the deepest medicine I’ve ever taken. It unzipped me. All of the deep-seated dark and murky self-beliefs sprung forth. My mind was in control for a good part of the meditation. I wasn’t yet aware of the distinction between it and my true essence — my heart.
Needless to say, I learned more about myself in my Pune experience than I might’ve in a whole lifetime of work. I am deeply grateful for the people I met along the way who supported me. =
An Ayurvedic doctor and Osho devotee was my single most saving grace. I was accustomed to talking about my inner work with therapists, gurus, 12-step sponsors, etc. So I’d been feeling fairly isolated in the meditation until his essence arrived. Then I felt supported, seen and heard.
From the work in Pune, my old set of beliefs were deconstructed — one by one — over time. Where I once had a committee in my mind that consisted of checks and balances from ghosts and skeletons modeled on outdated self-beliefs and conditioned thinking, a new awareness began to rise. Now, the ideas and dharma of my mystical gurus guide me with self-love and inspiration.
Osho, Guru Ram Das, and the Creation are on my new committee along with my own Self. That may have been the missing ingredient all along. For far too long, I’d looked to others for self-affirmation. Now I look to my heart — my true guru. And for that, this mystic rose is forever grateful.
Megan Mulligan is a student of life, Source, creativity, and light. Her current path is to heal and share the journey with others. A yogi, Osho meditator, video producer, writer, and creator, she can see true essence in others and herself. Find more on her website.
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