I Want You to Tell Me You Love Me, but Not with Three Words. {poetry}

Dear Lover, I’m waiting for you.
Between cool sheets on a hot summer’s eve
My heart beats steadily against my chest
As I lie in silence waiting
Only this time, I don’t want to touch…
Not just yet
I want you to look at me
I want you to stare into the depths of my being
I want your eyes to sneak into the soft parts,
The juicy parts, the parts of my mind that you have not known
I want you to kiss my breath with words unspoken,
And tell me a million stories within minutes of quiet
I want to smell your breath as it grazes my collarbones
Leaving traces of goosebumps along my delicate neck
I want you to tell me you love me, not with three words,
But in the way you hear me
The way you speak to me
The way you think about me
I want you to adore my softness
And touch the hardened parts of me until they melt under your fingertips
I want the ins and the outs,
The loud and the quiet,
The fast and the slow
I want empty moments
And hours filled with temptation
I want sunrise and sunset,
Bodies moving in unison to the sound of our own song
I want freedom and stability
And movement within our commitment
And when it’s time,
I want you to penetrate my soul
I want to let you into the places that no man has ever seen
Nor ever dared to venture
I want you to be adventurous, dear lover
For no other kind of love will do
I want passion in the buildup
And the joy in surrender
I want tightened fists around the things that matter
And open palms in the release of things that don’t
I want to dance in a way with you
That would make even the stars envious
I want sacred space
And open love
Dear lover, when you feel me rise in pleasure
Soak it up, enjoy it,
And when my body tenses up, unsure of itself,
Comfort it, soothe that part of me
I want you to meet me fully under a canopy of stars
When the bright moon hangs in a blackened night sky
And there is nothing around but the feel of a light breeze
As it tickles our backs
And when you do touch me, lover,
Make it count
Make it as though every time is the last time
Give me your presence and I will give you everything you never knew you wanted
Yet cannot live without
Give me your time and I will bring back more minutes in the hours
More seconds in the day
More feelings within this life
Give me space
And I will give you my full commitment
A life to serve and please you
And a love you will not soon forget
And just when you believe you are done,
When you believe you are too exhausted to go another round,
I will be the soft place where you can rest your head
I will be the body that your soul yearns to dance with again and again
Can you feel me, dear lover?
I’m waiting for you.
Natalie Sophia is a self-proclaimed writer, healer, yogini. Her mission in life is to heal and be healed. She loves to laugh, to feel and to write. She began her journey of awakening a few years ago, and though there are times she longs to go ‘back to sleep’, she knows she has work to do. Her work and her passion are one and the same, and she hopes to inspire others on their life path to attend to their deepest longings as a soul in a human body. Natalie feels that life is meant to be enjoyed, not endured. She knows that pain can be inevitable, but there is always choice in the story created from that pain. Feel free to check out more from Natalie on Facebook.
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