You Are Blessed: A Message to Lightworkers.

The path of a lightworker is not paved in gold. It is marked by elbow grease. There are karmic lessons, soul growth, and lifetimes to heal.
Ascension sometimes hurts. Spiritual growth can be unpleasant. But, lightworker, there is a reason why. Surrender. You are rising into soul expansion and the energetic of love.
As you are going through the process, please know: No matter where you go, no matter how you feel, no matter how deep your pain, you are eternally blessed. You are guided. You are loved. These are universal laws. They live in the infinite.
Sweet lightworker, I can hear your rebellious voice. It is my own. You understand that boundaries are boundary-less and rules only exist to create a false sense of security.
Quiet the rebel, and breathe. For I’ve come to believe that these universal truths — love, blessings, and guidance — exist. They whisper God’s voice. They are your support for the journey. Trust and set yourself free.
Guides are looking out for you. Their spark of divine nature lives inside of your heart’s eye, aligning your physical body and spirit realm. You are a direct conduit of divine grace.
You are a part of something bigger. A vision of light created to carry out special dharma. Your service is within you. Like the glow of Source streaming through your divine crown, vibrating waves of healing light. Service is simply there.
You are a part of the great ocean. Like tides that part ways for a tiny spark of mist. Everything is a part of life’s guided design. So are you.
You are connected to Spirit. With the intention to love and commune in peaceful harmony with yourself and others. To find a truthful essence of authentic resonance where you shine as the light being you are. To shift pieces of the whole into cosmic union. To balance karma.
You are your soul. Look deep into your own eyes each morning and embrace your divine nature with the unconditional love you were sent here to receive. Open yourself up to the simplicity of being. Know love is the universal fallback plan.
Lightworker, you see beyond 3D and gaze toward the infinite. Where the beauty of life is without words. It is a feeling of pure joy. It dances ecstatic in your body like a secure embrace. This is yours to feel. This is your true nature.
Your treasure is alive inside of you. It is light and love. Bliss is always within you. Dive deep. Ask Source, the one who planted this seed in the heaven of your body, to show you your heart. Where you live from joy and share it within the connection of your neighbors’ eyes.
Grant yourself freedom and step into the beauty of each light ray sent by cosmic design. See your personal beauty glitter across the landscape of breath that rises and falls with the heaven of your unique body. Breathe.
Lightworker, always remember, there is more. There are more lifetimes to learn, love, succeed, fail, love, hurt, cry, heal. Don’t try so hard. Do what you can to help your fellows, but help yourself first. Take care of yourself. You are as important as the whole.
Above all, remain teachable and humble. Be willing to learn, feel, and experience the journey beyond human disillusion. Always connect to love — the energy above, beyond, and below.
Lightworker, I wish that every day you will connect with your guides and count your blessings. Witness your life as an observer. Let go. Surrender into the universal laws of love, guidance, and blessings. They exist in the infinite. So do you. Thank you for being here.
Megan Mulligan is a student of life, Source, creativity, and light. A Kundalini yogi, Osho meditator, video producer, writer, and creator, her intention is to bring peace into the world with words, energy, and goodness, and to raise the vibrations with the frequency of pure love. Find more on her website.
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