We Are All Beautiful.

I found this quotation on Pinterest: I am obsessed with becoming a woman comfortable in her own skin.
I printed this and placed it in my wardrobe where I can see it everyday.
This, I believe, is what all women (and men) are searching for. We think that we want to be thinner, fatter, with smaller or bigger boobs — the list goes on — and we waste so much time and money in pursuit of these things when actually all we are looking for is the feeling of being happy with ourselves and our bodies.
Why are we not taught to love our own uniqueness?
Probably because if we loved ourselves no matter what our faces and bodies looked like, then billions of pounds worth of industries would go bust!
What do you focus on when you look at your reflection? Your so-called best bits, or the bits you’ve deemed worst? Do you think about which parts you’d like to be different? How this dress would look so much better on someone who’s a size 6? Can you even believe they sell women’s size 4 and 6? When I was growing up, my Mum was a size 8, and that was considered tiny.
Where is this belief coming from that to be someone, we have to more or less physically disappear?
How ignorant of us to not look in the mirror and see how amazing we are. How perfect our bodies, that move and feel and experience, are. How wonderful that what you stare at in the mirror is something made up of billions of cells, each one separate and yet all working together to make up your perfect body.
Your body is miraculous, it holds the potential of creating new — new life, new thoughts, new creations — constantly. You are potential, all wrapped up in one beautiful package. We should be looking into the mirror in awe of the miracle we are.
We also need to remember that this body that we put so much importance on is just a vehicle. A vehicle that carries our souls, our consciousness, for a while.
Just imagine for a moment if we all drove the same car. Same make, same model, same color. Imagine never having the excitement of deciding what your next car will be. Never feeling the excitement of not being able to wait till you get to finally sit in the driver’s seat for the first time. That is what our souls must feel like when they decide what body they want to incarnate into.
If we all looked the same, I think it’s safe to assume there wouldn’t be quite so many of us here on earth right now.
You see, we have felt disempowered for so long that it feels normal to us. We think that this is how life is, forever striving to be physically better in some way, feeling that we are not good enough because our stomachs aren’t flat.
This is no way to love, this isn’t what I want for our daughters and sons. I want them to look in the mirror and feel proud of what they see. I want them to look at others and see how beautiful the differences in them are, not use those same differences as tools for comparison.
Before we can change things for our children though, we have to make these changes in ourselves. We are the ones who must learn before we can teach.
I don’t want my children, in years to come, to fill up their laughter lines with unpronounceable chemicals and inject unknown substances into their faces to freeze their expressions. So as tempting as fillers and Botox are to my face that’s starting to show the toll of 38 years, they are not something I will entertain.
I admit I own quite a large and expensive makeup collection, and I can already see how my 11-year-old girl is taking after me with her own love of makeup. I’m teaching her that I use makeup because I enjoy it, I have loved playing around with it since I was her age.
I get excited over new eye-shadow palettes and whatever color the lipstick of the season is — that’s just how I am, and despite loving my ever changing made-up face, I also love my bare face just as much. If I didn’t, then I wouldn’t consider my love of makeup fun, it would be me trying to be someone I’m not.
I don’t use it as a tool to change me, I just love the creative aspect of it, and try to pass that on to my daughter.
It’s the same with everything — exercise, our diets — we shouldn’t be making changes or doing things we don’t want in a bid to make ourselves into what society tells us we should be, we should do them for our love and enjoyment of them.
If you enjoy pounding the pavements or treadmill, you go for it. Me, I’m more of a leisurely walk with the dog type of person, so yes, that might mean I’m a dress size or two bigger than a gym bunny, but I’m okay with that. I’m enjoying every second of my life.
So, let’s strive for something other than the perfect face or body — there is no such thing. Make your goal more personal, become obsessed with loving yourself, who you are right now, and who you are on your way to becoming.
That is where happiness lies.
Natalie Donohoe is an advocate for happiness and joy. She firmly believes that is what we came to this planet at this time to experience. She wants to inspire others to find out what happiness means to them, through her story. Natalie loves her life, and wants others to experience the same fulfillment. She believes we are all love! You can follow her on Twitter or her blog, or alternatively see more of her writing here.
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