I Continue to Be in Devotion to You.

And he told me in his eyes and with his body about the sanctity of life he carries with reverence in his heart.
My whole body sighs with relief, like the earth exhales with the return of spring. Tears brought to my eyes by the masculine whose hands have held more prayers than women in its palms.
As I let the waves of his presence and love wash over the shores of my being, I find the right words and whisper to him,
“This is what I am in devotion to.”
The spark and energy that is, and creates, life itself. Saturating every womb, dripping heavy from tongues of lovers and poets, embedded in the fingertips of those who work with the land.
This force brings me to my knees, buckling under the weight of devotion to the presence which permeates all things. That which is so far beyond the mind’s understanding of fullness; a type of nourishment that goes beyond the body, yet is as vital as breath.
How many nights have I been woken by your whispers and howled with hunger for you?
How many times have I searched for you in the bodies of others, forgetting that there are so few who can carry your force through the thrusts of their hips, into the opening of their hearts?
How long have I looked for you in the eyes of strangers that then become mirrors to my own?
I know by now that this holy reckoning comes from within. Enough nights alone or next to hollow bodies have shown me this.
I have married the Divine, tattooing my vows, this scripture, onto my body. I have taken nature as my lover, filled with its seasons and cycles.
And yet nothing can replace the gift of receiving you into this human body. To rest easy in your embrace. To know you through ears that can hear your praise, skin that stories are written on, fingers that touch hearts and soft spaces, eyes that witness your humanity and divinity, and mouths that whisper spells of devotion and sweetness.
So bless this holy day of reckoning, the moments in which we are brought to our knees by the presence of another who embodies that which is beyond form.
And while the world seems uncertain and our futures unclear, nothing feels more true than continuing to be in devotion to you. To opening this wild human vessel to be filled with you, to be home to the Divine. To birth love, through love, into a greater love than we have ever known before.
So my love, both in human form and Divine, thank you for calling to me all those nights. Forgive me for the moments that I forget the gifts of your love. And take me into knowing you fully.
Caity Flanagan is a modern-day medicine woman, shamanic healer, somatic life coach, holistic herbalist, writer, poet, and doula for birth from the body and soul. She currently lives in the jungles of Costa Rica, in deep devotion to tending to the body, healing through the elements, and birthing the words and work of her soul. When Caity is not in the embrace of the jungle, she travels throughout the US and world to bring medicine teachings on plant medicine, trauma-informed somatic healing and life coaching, tantric meditation, and what it is to be both human and divine. Caity is the creator of The Wild Calling, a 9-month mystery school and deep initiation into the Divine Feminine. Caity also runs a somatic coaching intensive called Embodiment, and a collective womb-healing circle called The Sacred Cycles Journey. Through her private somatic coaching practice and worldwide retreats, Caity works with individuals ready for deep transformation through the medicine of the Earth and their souls. Caity’s clients are those who are hungry to alchemize and make art from their trauma, to birth the stories of their souls, and those who are seeking to create lives of deep service and devotion to Spirit. To learn more about her work, you can visit her personal website.
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