The Time Is Now: You Are the Divine Feminine.

This is for the women who are in the midst of an awakening, who are called to know and embody their sacred feminine power. May it be all of us.
Your sacred feminine is calling.
It’s time for healing, nurturing, communing with the moon.
Your emotions are wild, passionate, and as transient as the sea.
You are being pulled towards the mystic, the occult, the magic.
You start to remember your divine heritage, your goddess nature, your sensuality, power, and innate knowing of ritual.
You have been broken open, in the dark night of your soul, and left vulnerable and burned.
And yet you still rise, like the phoenix, with new gifts to share with a world in need.
You are leaving your domestication, your shame, guilt, false self and inhibitions in the ashes. You rise anew, reborn to your truth, once again becoming the alchemist, your rage and past hurts transmuted into passion and remedies.
The inner healer, witch, priestess, goddess, mother, leader is here to be seen, to be lived and to be shared. Her sacred art is ready to be relearned and spread like wildfire, thus burning the old ideas, norms and taboos of patriarchal blasphemy.
You see where this society is broken and knowingly smile as it breaks. You and your sisters are the architects of what is being rebuilt.
True, loving, raw, enduring relationships are what you hold by your side. Unafraid to say No to anything less, your innate worthiness is known to you now, and you demand true union.
Love, compassion, and women calling their sisters forth to their best, this is the new way.
Gossip, judgement, manipulation are being burned in the fires you set.
You embrace your wild, your muse, your softness and nurturing ways. You run naked in the rain, howling at the moon.
You tenderly hold your fellow beings like children, as they melt into your chest.
You play with magic, casting spells in thought. You feel the World’s sorrows and cry with her.
You speak with plants, trees and the animals. You hear Mother Earth’s cry and bring her people home.
You are bold, brazen naked in your truth, with lions and wolves by your side.
You honor your cycle, you shed and you cry.
Your forgiveness and fluidity run from the rivers of your soul.
You are the paradox, the ultimate spiritual gift.
You are the Divine Feminine incarnate, you are the healing our world needs. The New Earth is here, and its inhabitants embody the goddess.
The Divine Feminine and its power
The awakening of the Divine Feminine is the remedy needed for our earth’s healing. More and more women are being called to know their inner sacredness. The patriarchal system is broken.
What is being rebuilt will come from the sisters who acknowledge the calls of their heart. The ones who take the time to go in, who discover their gifts, who seek support along the path and connect with their divinity, they (you) are the solution. In the age of a New Earth, it is through the Feminine that we will become whole and in harmony.
When I started uncovering the Divine Feminine, I discovered how poor my perception was of what it truly means to be feminine. I thought it was weak, soft, domesticated. How wrong I was. The gifts of the Divine Feminine are many, and accessible to all who seek to embody her.
The gifts of the Divine Feminine
In tune with Nature’s cycles, Birth, Life and Death — the ability to create life in all forms, and to destroy what is no longer needed.
The Protector: Energetic protection and the setting of boundaries so she and her loved ones are safe.
The Healer: The power of healing, through plants, animals, energy and cutting-edge methods, she has healed her pain and now heals others.
The Wise Woman: In touch with the void, the sacred silence, the Higher Self, a strong intuition, in sync with the moon, the cycles of nature and the dream world. Knowledge of past lives.
The Muse: The creatrix, the artist, the architect of her world. She knows the laws of attraction, magnetism, receptivity, attracting in all that we desire. Keeping the well full so we can give more.
The Wild Woman: Uninhibited, passionate, beautiful in her primal state.
Mother Earth: Nurturing, loving, compassionate.
The Sensual Goddess: Sensual, our pleasure is sacred, our sexuality is life force.
The Nymph: Playful, and in awe of this world.
The Warrior: Bold and fierce, stands for her truth, goes after her desires.
The Mystic: A knowing of the unknown, of ancient forgotten knowledge and ritual.
Shakti and the Second Chakra
In the yogic understanding, our feminine power — or Prana-Shakti — is our ability to create and birth life itself or to turn any dream and vision into reality. Prana-Shakti is generated, activated, and stored in our second chakra, known as Svadhishthana, or the seat of the soul located in the the hips, pelvis, womb, and lower back.
To open this place, we must take risks, open yourself up to create, and leave the fear of failure behind. We must clear the blockages caused from our culture so the Divine Feminine, Shakti, can thrive once again.
Symptoms of a blocked second chakra
Emotions such as jealousy, resentment, depression, exhaustion, feeling stuck, bringing in toxic relationships, not having proper boundaries, giving more than you get, or physical conditions such as disease, UTI, ovarian and colon issues, sexual dysfunction, and breast cancer.
Our blocks come from:
- A masculine culture, having to constantly perform in the workforce.
- The rational mind that is celebrated and trained.
- Constantly having to produce, to do, more and more.
- Immediacy, fear of scarcity.
- The shaming of our body and menstrual cycles.
- Shaming our intuition and emotions, calling our emotional range bitchy or sensitive.
- Shame and guilt, especially around sexuality.
- Not having boundaries, giving too much without taking time for self-care.
- How we were brought up, our relationship with our mother, our beliefs about who we are.
To clear the blocks:
- Study the qualities of the Feminine, and experiment living into just one of these on a daily basis.
- Study the goddesses, use goddess archetypes to connect on a deeper level with the many faces of the Divine Feminine.
- Embrace your sexuality and sensuality. Wear red lipstick, dress up in your favorite clothes, wear beautiful perfume, and luxuriate in your senses.
- Practice self-love with your body and yoni.
- Eat high-vibrational foods.
- Connect with your sisters, join a women’s empowerment group, a goddess circle.
- Go on a retreat geared towards celebrating the Feminine.
- Create a sacred altar dedicated to your own divinity.
- Write in your journal, record your dreams, be in nature, celebrate all the gifts you have because of the Feminine within.
- Set boundaries, say No to what doesn’t serve you. Be unafraid to disappoint others as you speak your truth.
- Meditate daily, on your sacral, on your breath, during sex, in nature, with your family. Let life become a living meditation.
The awakening is happening, the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine are coming alive. Look around, we are in a broken society that is crumbling, and you are the solution. In a world of #MeToo, let’s become the #MeNow, the Me who knows her wholly-ness, who knows her purpose and stays steadfast in her truth.
Wherever you are in your journey, trust that all is unfolding perfectly, and dive deep into your Sacred Feminine. The divinity is already within, the divinity is you.
Kathryn Lorraine is a Women’s Transformational Life Coach, Yoga and meditation instructor, and higher self expert. She has a gift for seeing the true essence and gifts within her clients. Her enthusiastic and welcoming demeanor encourages her clients to clearly hear their inner wisdom and unearth their dormant feminine powers. She guides them to surpass the fears and shame that keep them stuck and overwhelmed, and inspires them to trust in their higher self, take skillful action, and live a life uninhibited. Her style weaves together esoteric and modern teachings, intuition and somatic experiencing. She has trained with powerful teachers all over the world, studying in depth the various forms of meditation and Yoga, yogic/tantric philosophy, leadership development, psychology, and alternative healing therapies. Her purpose is to awaken and explore the power of the Divine Feminine. You could contact her via her website, Instagram, Facebook or email. Sign up for her Group Coaching Program ‘Discovery & Embodiment’, starting January 23rd. To find out more about her retreat in Panama, check out Awaken The Divine Feminine.
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