7 Tips for a Nomadic Soul.

I am a nomad. Unsettled, unbound, I have no roots to speak of. And without a true longing to be anywhere, I guess you can call me a universal freeloader.
I know where I have been, but I am not exactly sure where I am going. Deep in my bones, there is a need for trees and rivers, oceans and mountains, and the urge is always pressing against the spine. The force is like a ghost from another world, present and unnerving, so I go to it.
I wander between the realms of contradiction, one foot placed firmly in my many transgressions, the other foot looking for a bit of forgiveness. Yes, I hover over the line of truth-or-dare, and trust me, this can be a problem.
Even as the world is more than twisted than ever, I am prone to lean into cosmic uncertainty because, with all the tainted messages that keep us guessing, I think they are good for the soul by making it wander through discernment. This hones our basic life skills.
But to those who already know, and have the ability to stay focused on just one way, I bow to you. I am not there, I just can’t be. I can’t color inside the lines, or toe the line, or find comfort in normalcy, because living by the rules never fit quite right. Rules are big, they make people small and they never leave space to bend.
Nomadic tip #1: Rules are meant to be broken.
I truly believe in roaming free — heart, mind, and soul — and that this is a lifestyle everyone can adopt. All we have to do is go lightly into our heart, dispel extra weight, and ease the load. We need to not carry the heavy things with us, heaviness is such a horrible thing to tote around. Instead, we can use our own expressions — time, form and space — put pen to page and write it out.
It’s a purge. A magical, mystical, purge that can take us anywhere we want to be. It is the freeing of tightly bound places that simply long to fly, and when we carry softness, we are simply able to go a lot farther.
Nomadic tip # 2: This is how we can function in a dysfunctional world.
Through wistful eyes, we can see things that many don’t want to acknowledge, and say the things that most don’t want to hear. Speaking through the pulse, the language of the moment, it often sounds like forgotten rhythms and melodic hues. This beat will say, “Let’s paint the sky a different color — vivid, alive, and clean,” and for the sake of an unsung truth, it is good advice to follow.
Nomadic tip #3: Listen to your heart.
If we let the drifter in us go where the wind and current want to take us, it is easier to remember where we have come from, without judgments. The transient mindset has a unique memory, one that will keep us fully humble, and it knows we can never go back.
Nomadic tip #4: Backwards is never an option.
In touch with nature, the nomadic soul recognizes perpetual movement, especially in stillness. We see the landscape that is fully alive in the connection of wonder. It is the thread of peace in a violent/non-violent environment, it is the yin and yang of life, and we can honor it all. Nomads feel All is the world, and the world is our gospel that is born from inner totality.
Nomadic tip #5: All is indeed connected, and there are no mistakes.
Every unseen corner is new, every new thing is an experience. Every experience brings wisdom, but some wisdom can make us old before our time. But what is life without constant challenge and the clock ticking away? It is the urge to stir up the imagination as a liberated spirit. One that will simply die under repetition and too much conformity.
We must heed that voice inside as it says a little Thank You, the voice that knows we can’t survive without awe and gratitude.
Nomadic tip #6: Reverence for the simple things keeps us sane.
I am a nomad. Four walls cannot contain me, and like that of a caged animal waiting for its release, the freedom we seek is in wanderlust. There is no tolerance for excuses to the contrary, no room for misgivings, no regrets or do-overs. Discovery is a never-ending quest to be fulfilled. Inside the vagabond heart, this manta is understood: “Go big or go home.”
This stands so strong, and since we all carry home inside us, the only thing left to do is wander.
Nomadic tip #7: Take only what you need to survive, everything else is just a bonus.
Debbie Lynn is a mother, grandmother, artist, writer, dancer, yogi, seeker of the soul, rock climber, rock collector, and has been known to run with scissors. She realized at a very young age that the outer reality was a far cry from her inner truth, and meeting her inner wisdom head on always turned into a challenge. The wonderment, curiosity and hypocrisy of life led to exploration and a cumulative documentation (art and journaling) of what she lovingly calls ‘the purge’. It is her way of ridding any negative energy from the daily grind. She says, “In essence, it is a way to start fresh and cleanse the soul.” Debbie has had numerous articles published in Elephant Journal, The Edge Magazine, Sail Magazine, Cruising Outpost, and is now a featured columnist at The Tattooed Buddha . Her daily posts can be found on Facebook.
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