The Whispers of the Wild.

If you listen closely, you’ll hear the whispers of the wild.
The whispers of the wild lie in the streams of sunlight twinkling through the trees on an early summer morning.
The whispers of the wild are the cleansing force of the tears flowing down your sun-kissed skin.
The whispers of the wild come through the breeze on a warm spring day as the air gently caresses your face for the first time after a long winter of harsh winds.
The whispers can be felt through your toes when you walk barefoot through the pathless woods.
The secret is that the whispers are always there, always waiting for you to tune in.
But first, you must learn how to listen. You must learn how to move slowly, to look at the spaces between the leaves of the trees, and to hear the silent pauses in the river’s roar.
You must learn to open your heart.
Opening the depths of your heart until the beauty of the land brings you to tears of awe.
The moments when you climb to the top of a mountain and howl at the rising sun.
The moments when you stand in the street on a cold winter night and listen to the silent patter of snowfall.
Or when you watch the summer sunset ignite the sky over the glistening lap of the lake.
Opening our hearts to the land from which we come is the purest form of gratitude we can offer to the consciousness that is manifested through our physical bodies.
This gratitude shows that we understand we aren’t meant to stay here forever, but we can use our awareness to make the most of it.
Tune into the elements of the natural world — water, air, earth, and fire.
They are always around us, silently waiting for us to accept the invitation of awareness.
Cultivating an awareness of the elements honors the Source we come from.
The Source we will all return to.
Tuning into the whispers of the wild makes the ride enjoyable. The moments when you turn the corner and your breath is taken away by the beauty of the water sparkling off the ocean’s edge.
These moments when the wild whispers make the journey meaningful.
Join me in the dance of celebrating the sun, the dive into the river of awareness, the float of the blissful breeze, and the climb of the mountain we call life.
When you listen for the whispers of the wild, they may unveil the truths of what it means to be human.
You may learn that everything we are becoming, we already are.
And you may just find that when the wild whispers to you, the song is pure, the light is near, and joy is inherent.
I invite you to sing to the morning sun as a reflection of the light you carry within your heart.
I invite you to open your heart to whispers of the wild.
This is where you’ll find me.
Caitlin Climes is rooted in a wild wonder of the world she finds herself immersed in. This past fall, she spent time traveling throughout Thailand and Bali to explore new ways of being. She has experience as a public speaker, co-founder of an environmental organization, outdoor spiritual guide, and a leader of camping and adventure trips around the world. Caitlin has always been interested in exploring the human condition, and now seeks to understand how writing can be used to spark and cultivate the subtle state of awareness that connects our experiences. She feels the interconnectedness of all life, and aims to manifest her awe through the written word.
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