Keep Going: A Love Letter to Late 20-Something’s.

These words spill from my soul to yours.
Some of these words have come to me in times of contemplation or sitting alone. The others have been spoken to me by people I highly respect and love. I hope you find the same comfort in them that I do.
Being in your late 20’s is not always easy. The daunting 30 is hurtling at us. Some of us feel excited about aging and all that comes with it. Some others fear the aging process and what it means to get older. There are lots of outside pressures. A lot of people having an opinion about where you should be and what you should be doing. Including you.
Yet, as I settle into these years and excitedly anticipate getting older, I feel the need to write a love letter to all of you and myself. My only hope is that something resonates.
Hi there, I see you.
I don’t, at this exact moment, know where you are or how you are feeling, but I want you to know something.
There is not a damn thing wrong with you.
If you feel lost, feel like you don’t really know what the hell you are doing, don’t know what you want to do for the rest of your life, haven’t found the one to spend the rest of your years with, please know… exactly where you are is perfect.
Perfect. Can you breathe into that?
Exactly where I am is perfect.
Our twenties are not about having our shit together. What does that even mean? Life is a journey, not a final destination. If people tell you they have all their shit together, do not believe them.
Our twenties are for changing our minds. Exploring our likes and dislikes. Traveling. Dating. Asking questions. Being extremely curious. Working different jobs. Trying out different careers. Making and releasing friends.
Whoever has told you or makes you feel you are not good enough or are lacking or that you are behind because you are where you are… well, honestly, forget them, smile, and say thank you.
I am almost 100% positive that they are saying this to you because they love you and want the best for you.
And they are not you.
They have no idea what is good for you. They have no idea what you need. What you like. What makes your heart flutter. They aren’t the ones who have to live with you and walk with you daily. You are the only person who has to do that.
Follow and do the things that give you energy. That feed your soul. That make you feel more alive. More inspired. More in touch with who you are. More in touch with what you most desire for your life. And then bravely admit and release the things that don’t.
Be honest with yourself and others.
Do your best.
Get lost.
Fall in love.
Follow through.
Do what you say you are going to do.
Say No! Say Yes!
Spend time alone. Lots of time alone.
Fall in love with yourself.
Discover who you are.
Ask yourself questions: Who am I? When am I authentic? When am I not myself? What do I like and not like? What am I searching for? Who and what gives me energy? Who and what drains me? What do I fear? Why? What are my truths? What do I want to learn? Where do I want to go? What do I want to see?
Be wildly curious.
There are no owner’s manuals to help us navigate through our twenties. In fact, there will never be an owner’s manual for how to do life. That is the exciting and also sometimes the scary part about life.
If you feel aimless and like you are wandering, good. This means you are seeking.
Keep seeking.
Rumi says it best.
Keep seeking and you will find your way.
You will find your way.
There truly is nothing wrong with you. Nothing.
Keep doing you. Keep searching. Keep exploring. Keep looking. You will find it.
It might not be in your ideal timeline. Life does not work on some timeline. That is made up.
Where you are is perfect. Keep going.
The only thing that will stop you in this lifetime is you. Go for it. Whatever you can dream of.
Go for it. Go for it. No, really go for it.
I believe in you.
Kimberly Johnson is a Certified Life Coach, writer, blogger, and speaker. She advocates for and guides people on the journey to self-love and self-actualization as a means to create inner peace and an abundant, vibrant life. She also teaches mindfulness and meditation classes, as well as sings in her free time. She is a lover and poet. You can find out more about Kimberly on her podcast or on her business website.
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