No Matter What Failures I Have Had, I Have the Choice.

What is certain in our universe? Two things: life and death.
All of us have these two things in common: we all are born and we all are going to die. Yes, your parents, partners, friends, kids, and hey, you and me too.
Now you might think that this is negative and talks about death should be avoided, because it’s somewhere in the far future. Wrong. First, we literally don’t know when we are going to die, it might happen in the next 10 minutes and it might happen in 85 years. And second, it certainly will happen. I promise.
Please don’t stop reading. Listen, we don’t have to think about it all the time, but it won’t hurt to be aware of the fact that our time here is limited and none of us knows how much time we will spend on our Planet Earth.
Let me invite you to have this conversation because the awareness — not fear, worry, or thoughts, just the awareness — of death might help you have the most amazing life on earth.
Let’s assume we made friendship with death and we are aware that we are going to die, so now what? Will you go and keep on doing what you do? Will you stay in your unhealthy relationship? Will you still be angry with your parents? Will you still be sad about what happened in the past?
Will you take your wonderful family for granted? Will you take the small gestures of your beloved partner for granted? Will you still be caught up in work and keep on not listening attentively to your friends, kids and partner?
We never know how much time is left for us. So do these things now. Call her/him. Be honest. Say it. Speak it out loud. Learn the skill. Pick up the language. Plan this trip. Quit your shitty job and re-invent yourself. Leave your bad relationships. The most suitable time has arrived, the famous moment you’ve been waiting for: the now.
Starting to live from the point that death will arrive one day, we can create our lives with no fears and regrets. It all won’t matter when we’re gone. It all won’t be possible anymore.
Here’s an idea: let’s be grateful for what we have and the human experiences we can have every single day. We are here. We have the choice. Repeat with me: I have the choice. To be happy, free, to do what I love, no matter what age I am, no matter how many kids I have, no matter what my parents say, no matter what the society says, no matter what. Let this be our prayer.
I have the choice. No matter what politicians prescribe, no matter what universities teach, no matter that nobody believes in me, no matter that I think I never will achieve it, no matter what failures I have had. I have the choice. It’s in god’s hands. It’s in my hands. I have the choice.
Olga Chirkova was born in St. Petersburg and moved to Germany when she was nine. She believes there is no journey which is more difficult than the journey to your own true nature. It can be hard, painful, confusing, but it’s worth it. It is the most beautiful and honest journey there is. Come with her on the journey on her blog.
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