Follow the Beat of Your Drum Down the Path of Individuality.

Highly sensitives are aware of Divine truths, without ever having been formally told about them.
They see the unseen, they know the unknown, and they put words to things others are afraid to talk about. They speak with irrevocable freedom, and provide instant healing around the mysteries of life, if only you step back and witness this in a way that allows room for these gifts to grow.
My son’s teacher is a lovely woman who cares deeply for my child. I feel safe knowing he has her as a reliable resource when school days intensify. Together they look through pictures on her phone while he decompresses from environmental overwhelm. Recently, he saw a picture of her parents and told her, “I’m sorry you’re sad you lost your daddy.”
This particular day also signified the one-year anniversary of her father’s passing. She was amazed he knew this, and so touched by his words, the whole experience left her speechless. He smiled and lay his head on her, while she opened her heart to his expression.
He comforted her in the way only he can do.
He possesses abilities in perception, wisdom, intuition and beyond. It is simple, if we allow it to be just so, without attempting to control or analyze it. He knows no other truth than the one God guides him to see. He doesn’t judge the information or dismiss it as an untruth. He believes in himself. He doesn’t will the visions away or worry they’ll cause harm.
He trusts it’s meant to come out, in whatever way it does, if it feels safe to do so.
Children are naturally built to access these gifts, until they are otherwise informed or shamed away from their expression.
I know he believes he’s equipped with this knowledge to spread love and heal wounds in a way that we could never really fully comprehend.
He has always been honest, and vocal about what he sees. As an infant, he’d point at the ceiling and cry. When we first moved into our house, he said a man roamed the upstairs hallway. At only four years old, he saw Uncle Frankie in his room. Little did I know, Uncle Frankie was in a deadly car accident moments prior to the bedroom incident. My son knew, he didn’t question or judge it.
He understands something none of us can put logic to. He’s always been willing to put form to the unknown.
This isn’t a story about whether I believe him or not, by the way, it’s whether I choose to accept it as a part of who he is. These things exist to my child. It is his reality, he is the wayseer. And I chose to see it as a gift.
It’s a conscious choice to support my child and lovingly pour out my unconditional acceptance. It’s imperative he embrace the way he perceives the world. I want my child to grow up knowing I’ll never doubt or diminish his feelings. I won’t allow my personal judgments to impede our relationship or his growth as an individual.
When it comes down to it, everyone experiences life differently.
It is not my job to change the way he sees, it’s my duty to make space for it.
I may not necessarily understand how it works, but I believe it works for him.
It’s not about whether I can prove it, he is my proof that miracles happen everyday.
This is an opportunity for me to be open, accepting, and trust my child.
The way he sees the world is natural yet extraordinary. By standing with him, I give him the foundation to trust what he sees, always. My faith promotes a healthy sense of self as he grows. He’ll be more inclined to follow his instincts, and less likely to be influenced by the crowd.
If I’m not willing to stand by him today, what makes him believe I’ll do it tomorrow? This ability may fade (or not) but my response to has the potential to shape his future. It’s crucial to his development he hones the courage to express himself, to follow the beat of his own drum down the path of individuality, no matter what it takes. He craves the assurance to be true to himself.
Because all it takes is one person who believes in you to influence the destiny of your entire life.
It is in these moments that he establishes the confidence to explore this gift of sight, as he seeks his own unique imprint on the world. It is my wish this form of subtle yet powerful communication promotes a healthy sense of self-worth in his ever-changing mind.
I want nothing more than for him to feel brave enough to speak his mind, no matter what anyone else thinks about it.
As a parent, I’m relieved to hear his teacher was open to him. She was not afraid or worried there was something wrong with him. She accepted him, as we (his parents) do, and allowed space for a genuine heart connection. He knew he could share his bold little heart and fill her with love, even if it was only for a moment.
I know there are people out there who feel differently, who may not stand by this the way I do. I know his gifts may create discomfort in others. But I also know, without discomfort, there is no change. It is my hope, in standing with my child, we can inspire other children to express their beautiful gifts so they may establish the confidence to love themselves exactly as they are.
There is nothing wrong with what he sees, or how he sees it. It’s beautiful, it’s unique, and it’s natural. In a time where so many children are shamed away from their truth, I am grateful he has the support to share his brilliant worldview and let his spirit soar.
Robin Lynn or ‘The Mommy Healer’ works with children, families, and moms in Southern NJ and across the country. She specializes in working with highly sensitive children and empathic moms (and dads) guiding them to respite, care, and healing through the brave and confusing journey of parenthood.
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