You Can Create What You Want.

Do you know what separates deluded dreamers from really successful dreamers?
Besides the fact that the really successful dreamers are living the life of their dreams and deluded dreamers are not?
One single belief.
I hold my hand up here and say that for years I flew the flag for deluded dreamers.
In the beginning, I was so excited with the vision I had created for my life and business.
“It’s gonna be great!” I shared with anyone who would listen. “Here’s all the things I’m gonna do, here’s where I’m going to go, this is what I’m going to do with all extra abundance coming in from my thriving coaching business. Everything will be great.”
“It’s obviously hard in the beginning,” I told my friends.
“No, I can’t go away this weekend. Yes, I don’t have the money right now, but just you wait and see. I’m going to be so rich. I mean, I am spiritually rich now, but very soon, I will be rich in every other way because my dreams will come true.”
This went on for three whole years.
I was living in the family home waiting for my big business break. Then I was house-minding for a kind friend for next-to-nothing rent.
But the truth is I was deluded and depleted.
I was playing small with no sustainable income, living for a day to come in the future where everything will fall into place.
I was so frustrated.
I had clients, and was helping them create amazing results. I just couldn’t bring my dream business to the next level.
I was stuck.
I was living the future-day fantasy of I will be happy when I achieve X/Y/Z, then I will be able to…
But future-day fantasy happiness never comes. The future is always the future.
Long story short, I found myself at rock bottom. All my stuff was in my car. I couldn’t live at home anymore. The house-share was over.
It was time to face the truth.
I wasn’t creating my dream.
I needed to be earning more.
My vision felt so far away, and thinking about it brought shame.
I had no struggle left in me. I had no energy. I was weary from living in scarcity mode.
My self-esteem was crushed.
Disappointment weighed me down.
Fast forward two years, and it’s a totally different story.
And you know what changed it all?
One single belief: I can have what I want. I can create what I want.
After hitting rock bottom, another friend offered me a room at her place.
A job landed in my lap, no resume required.
Two weeks later, I found a room to rent.
A year later, I invested in myself by getting my own super-amazing coach and joining her Amazing love program.
She gave me a list of actions to take.
Even though I knew I needed to take action to create what I wanted, I just couldn’t do it.
I couldn’t even hide my resistance. I knew I wanted my vision, but I didn’t want to take the action needed to bring my vision to life. In fact, I felt a heaviness rise. A despondency. A What’s the point? kind of energy — the kind that makes Netflix look like one hell of a night in, night after night after night.
I chatted with my coach and she pulled this limiting belief out of me.
“You believe that you can’t have what you want,” she shared. “Go and explore that.”
So I did. I sat. I went deep. What was revealed astounded me: I subconsciously didn’t want to create what I wanted.
When I was a child, a few incidences occurred where getting what I wanted was not a good thing.
The message I received is that getting what I want was really negative which, for me as a child, didn’t feel safe. I informed my subconscious at this very young age, “Don’t create what you want. Stay safe. Stay small. It’s for the best.”
After that, the disappointments slowly gathered.
I was floored.
I did the inner work mentally and emotionally.
I released, healed and transformed this block.
And from that day onward, everything has changed.
I enjoy taking the inspired action to create what I want.
I am creating what I want this very minute.
I feel alive.
Don’t be discouraged if disappointment or heaviness hits you in the face as you go forward to create your dreams.
It’s inevitable that you will hit roadblocks, because everything that gets in the way is the way.
Just because blocks rise does not mean you are a loser, or that there’s something wrong with you.
Real, deep, sustainable success requires a path of growth, healing and transformation. On the other side of this path is everything you want and more.
This kind of success means healing, transforming and dissolving your blocks, so you want them to rise so you can see them and heal them.
Regardless of what has happened in your past, you can tap into your creative power.
You can feel, heal and release the weight of your past so you can move forward in your life, business and creativity.
You can have what you want.
You can create what you want.
You are powerful.
As a transformational coach and co-creator of the 4 Body Coach Approach™: a proven approach that activates inside out success, Brona Malone is here to share what she has learned through her own soulful exploration, as well as that of the clients she has worked with globally, many who claim their lives will never be the same again. Her clients include those who dare to be different, big-hearted dreamers and trailblazers. She helps them create deep, soulful, sustainable and sacred success in every area of their lives, business and creativity. Her superpower is transforming inner blocks into powerful stepping stones forward, which inevitably rise as we pursue our dreams. She helps them navigate the beautiful yet sometimes messy path that this kind of inner success requires. Brona blends her professional coaching certificate with yogic wisdom, energy mastery, and an adventure-loving explorative hippie side, offering her clients practical solutions full of miracles. You could contact her via her website.
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