Huntress of the Holy Sound. {poetry}

I sat by the river
and I listened to the water
she was singing about forgiveness
she was singing about hunger.
She was singing a song of sunlight
as my body rolled under.
I asked the praying mantis
I asked the dragonfly
while I chewed on rinds of anger
by the mouth of the river
in my hand I held
a fallen buckeye.
The coyote of Cherry Creek
she howled me an answer:
Shake out your bones
you wild creature.
Shake out your bones
you wild dancer!
Gather and empty
is all you can do
with your hands and your heart
while the moon makes honey
in the dark.
Gather and empty
your bones of what aches
and the moon will make her honey
in the dark
from your mistakes.
I sat by the river
and I listened to the water
and her waves washed me over
like the hands of the mother.
I came clean to her gospel
I came hard to her thunder
and the waves washed me over
like the hands of the mother.
The bones of my sisters
and the bones of my brothers
are all that remains
to be found
by the huntress.
The flute made of bone
is the last to sing the song
when the huntress
comes tracking
her tribe
to come home.
The bones of the mother
which are all made of jade
born of her blood
and in her belly
they are saved.
They’re all that remains
to be found
when we’ve all gone under
by the last huntress
of the holy sound.
So put down your worries
lay your body on this ground
the gospel of the water
will unwind what is bound.
The grace of the rocks
and the sprites of the bridge
at the edge of town
will return you to your essence
give you back your jade crown.
Put down your worries
come lay your body down
here at the river
where the earth
is hallowed ground.
Light a flame for forgiveness
light a flame for truth
claim your worthiness
grow into your youth.
Light a flame for forgiveness
light a flame for love
fear is the distance
between you
and your resolve.
Come home to the river
come home to this sacred sound
where the water sings your name
in the secret language
that you found.
Come home to the river
lay your body down
on the banks by the water
where she sings
a joyful sound.
There are circles on the water
playing prism with the light
there are rocks
carved with faces
there are rocks
smooth and white.
She will wrap you in her rapture
share her pockets
treasures deep
you will find all you desire
in her jade green gown of fire
and your tears will turn to temples
in the healing of her heat.
When her measure
and your meeting
harmonize in a round
you will hear your name
in echo
and be called home
by the sound.
Then the moon will climb
the hill at dusk
over the tops of tall pine trees
and sing a song of forgiveness
in a hard-earned melody.
As you sleep
she’ll serenade you
with a lullaby of mead
and her light will dissolve you
of every wrong deed.
Whisper your prayers to the water
whisper your wishes to the moon
turn your lessons into wisdom
into soil and seeds
to bloom.
So come home to the river
come home to this holy ground
let the gospel of the water
wash your body down.
Come home to the river
lay your body down
give the bones
of the past and future
back to this holy ground.
Sit here by the water
listen to her song
remember yourself to the music
it’s what we’ve been
all along.
Sit here by the water
hear your name in her song
she will weave you back
into yourself
back home
where you belong.
Come home to the river
hear your name in her song
she will call you back to yourself
back home
where you belong.
Meredith Heller is an ageless elfin-child with a Celtic heart. A gypsy-poet philosopher with a penchant for humor and a pocketful of wisdom. A melodic priestess who weaves easily between light and dark, major and minor. A woman who thrives in nature, howls with the wolves, and delights in the wild beauty of life. A performing poet and singer/songwriter who teaches poetry-writing to teen girls, leads MoonTribe, a ‘Write of Passage’ program, coaches voice and songwriting, and hosts Siren Song, a women’s singer/songwriter night, she is mused by nature, synchronicity, and kindred souls. Her poetry collection, Songlines, is being published and will be in print in 2019. You could contact Meredith via her blog.
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