Credo of the Ultimate Self.

I am the revival of the ecstatic and sensuous faith in the Goddess that is Earth, the eternal fount of eternity’s philosophy — philo (love of) sophia (wisdom) or better yet, the love of Sophia, another name for the Goddess, for wisdom is Her kin.
As a philosopher, I am an indefatigable lover of wisdom, but not the mere passive renderings of books, rather living wisdom embodied, honed by reverent licks of Her dewy morning grass, the titanic tutelage of trees, the soaring knowing of indomitable skies and the cosmic codes of planetary teachers. I am the knowing that is always growing, that cannot ever be stopped.
I am the restoration of the Mysteries, the resurrection of the great lineage of eco-spiritual wisdom carried by our ancient ancestors who endured relentless persecution out of love for the sacred that is the Creatrix of the All. I am the ancient future and lament of the living dead. I am the Spirit that holds hands with those beyond the veils.
I am the renewal, the re-source, the shift-maker, the tyrant-breaker, the alchemical hubris, wielding this convergence point of prophecy with full-on glory to manifest a culture of universal consciousness.
I am the prayer that is constant wonder. I am the civilization founded on awe and the love that is infinity’s marrow. I am the rise of Eve, and the incandescent loins of Pan, seeking to light the wick of wombs with bliss and bliss alone. I am the sonorous and sultry sigh of the Moon and Sun when they eclipse and love becomes galaxy. I am the marveling that is ceaseless and the wildness that is true purity.
I am the love of Nietzsche’s pagan passion.
This passage is etched on the lambent light of my soul as my credo: “You look up when you desire to be exalted. And I look down because I am exalted. Who among you can at the same time laugh and be exalted? Who climbs upon the highest mountain laughs at all tragedies, real or imaginary? Untroubled, scornful, outrageous — that is how wisdom wants us to be: She is a woman who never loves anyone but a warrior.”
I am the adoration of sexuality as doorway to consecration of all the defiant holiness of the body. I am the lifting of desires to be anointed in the citadel of the heart, where Heaven and Earth are tousled in an endless love-making by which galaxies are birthed.
I am the regal wedding bed for their constant coupling and bear the kin of their communion — the infinitely tender goodness, unstoppable embrace and enrapturing kindness that captivates all tyranny, abuse, hatred, division, etc. to surrender to the inexorable victory of love’s luminous reign.
I am indigenous to the Uni-verse, the one verse that unites us in awe and radiant essence. I am here to protect and honor all that is indigenous to each one of us as children of the Earth and the cosmos. I am here to inflict universal consciousness on all that is ignorant. I am here to spread the endlessness of the beauty that is Truth.
I am a heresy of love that will never be limited to nationality, nor political party or religious creed. I am a dominating goodness that loves all, all, all. I am the love that is an enigma which even God cannot rule.
I am the reconstitution of the natural genius of our humanity as beings of multi-dimensionality and conduits of universal truth. I am the tantra of truth, legendary in my weaving, renowned in my seductions, revered for the incandescence of my true nobility.
I am the Sage-King who rules with virtue, worships virtue, as the marvelous impulse to unify without end. And I am the Mage-Queen whose love is fierce, wild, and freedom itself, leaving no one, no thing outside of its pulsing field of forever flow.
I am the romance that is the true fount of religion, the living aphrodisiac that cajoles Heaven and Earth to fornicate forever. I am the spark diving into the darkness with an invitation to dance. I am the glory that is the essence of humility and the boldness that knows exactly when to exude.
I am the birth of birth itself and the death of death — eternity’s child am I, expanding just as the universe to elaborate more beauty, and delight in the perpetual jubilance of creativity. I am the music that is made of angel’s sighs. I am the sound that God and Goddess made when their Big Bang created this verse of union.
I am the ultimate that the self sees reflected in the universe, and the undying laughter of that realization. I am the desire to make the Tao gleam. I am the sacredness that will find its way into every sullen shadow and light a holy fire.
I am the honoring of all creation, the divinity that is nature, the innocence that truly rules, the wild love that reigns supreme, the waking into the dream, the smile of Goddess that is the womb of this world. And I am Hers and His, forever.
Darren Austin Hall is a shamanic musician, sound healer and spiritual teacher. He tours internationally, and is an acclaimed recording artist. He is a renowned speaker and pioneer, teaching on a diversity of topics to do with the evolution of universal consciousness, including the reclaiming of indigenous origin, the shamanic archetype, sacred sexuality, and spiritual living. His concerts are experiences of sonic mysticism, blending crystal bowls, angelic guitar, channelings of song and words, poetry and story-telling. He is a TEDx performer, published writer, and has performed at a diversity of festivals, including Cosmic Convergence and OM Reunion Project. He is the founder of Conscious Masculinity Toronto and co-visionary of Project Unity. You could contact him through his website.
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