Where Do You Receive Your Wisdom?

My awakening, my wisdom, and my understanding of life has not always been soft.
It has been chaotic, metaphysical, occult-ish and crazy-hard by choice, but it has also been at a level just slightly over my head, causing me to really dig deep into many facets of responsibility and accountability when presented with problems. I had to read, I had to write, I had to silence the sh*t that taunted me and tried to lure me into the underbelly of a façade that had a face of spirituality.
I found that the darker path, which sometimes has an alluring light glimmering on it, is quite dangerous.
When you mess with the occult, you involve a lot of energy that is simply and by default a bit out there. It also allows for some very wacky experiences — it’s like being constantly wasted or semi-conscious and on the edge. In one essence, you begin to understand what is like to be out of your body, out of your mind, out of control, while the other hand is trying to pull you out of the rabbit hole by your tender ego.
They can, however, work congruently, yet it is a battle of will.
This is where I learned that if you want something badly enough, you can get it, manifest it and utilize it however you deem fit. I learned that my saying “I couldn’t” was simply because I was lazy and didn’t have the maturity to trust my gut. I witnessed how desire, especially in desperation, supersedes most things, no matter what the intention is in the background.
I also learned that every thought, word and deed attached to the desire has a consequence. These consequences will come roaring back with all kinds of crazy to the good and to the bad.
Again, it is a choice we make every second of every day.
Awakening is about you — your wisdom, your understanding, your illusion. Love it up! Put your arms around the sweet whispers and stare down the voice of insanity. Question it all and do your work. Consult the masters, not the memes. And most importantly, find out for yourself.
Gifts from beyond are the quiet little messages that constantly come into our heart and create true wisdom. They are our deepest knowing if we can comprehend them and let them do their thing, yet many times we wonder where they come from and why.
Don’t rely on second-hand knowledge, live your own life. There will be mistakes and opportunity. Laughter and tears. Lightness and darkened days. But one thing is certain: if a stoic life isolates you from a smile and keeps you away from simple pleasures, that is just a stagnant life.
Dark and poetic, light and surreal, these are the things and experiences that are dramatic, and I have done them all and then some. So, when I write, I write about what I know.
I write about how to face uncertainty, sadness, addiction and ugly little things that show up in our space. I write about nature, music and family. I write about dancing, logic, and how to keep your sanity in a world gone bat-shit crazy. I just write.
Writing can keep us calm, put our feelings out on a limb, and make us analyze the story behind the feelings. I often find that I have made a mountain when it was really just a hill. So be it. I am human. But it also gives me a chance to process some internal stuff. Stuff I thought was long gone, but poof, there it is. Wisdom.
Pema Chödrön says, “Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know.”
And if we embrace her sentiment, we can go lightly after the big fall. That is how we gain insight of problematic situations and that is where the awareness rises. So don’t discount the atrocities, the anger, the emotions that are swirling and breaking the mold we thought was set in stone. It’s all experience, custom-designed to bring us to our senses, to our awakening, to our wisdom and back to life.
Will problems go away? The answer is, Never. They will ease with maturity and balance, and have some sound advice to pass along. Insightful? Perhaps. I just call it living.
Debbie Lynn is a mother, grandmother, artist, writer, dancer, yogi, seeker of the soul, rock climber, rock collector, and has been known to run with scissors. She realized at a very young age that the outer reality was a far cry from her inner truth, and meeting her inner wisdom head on always turned into a challenge. The wonderment, curiosity and hypocrisy of life led to exploration and a cumulative documentation (art and journaling) of what she lovingly calls ‘the purge’. It is her way of ridding any negative energy from the daily grind. She says, “In essence, it is a way to start fresh and cleanse the soul.” Debbie has had numerous articles published in Elephant Journal, The Edge Magazine, Sail Magazine, Cruising Outpost, and is now a featured columnist at The Tattooed Buddha . Her daily posts can be found on Facebook.