Let’s Find Non-Vanilla Solutions to the World’s Problems.

“You think too much.” Man, if I had a nickel for every time I heard that, I’d be a wealthy woman.
My thinking is something I’m learning to own. Because every time I hear someone utter that phrase “You think too much,” it feels like I’m being judged for how I fundamentally show up in the world.
Let me be straight up and real with you: Do you know what ‘thinking too much’ has earned me? It has earned me a viewpoint of the world that isn’t like anyone else’s. It has earned me the right to be selective in who I let into my world because if you sit around all day and tell me I think too much, you are no longer welcome on my island. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
Thinking too much earned me my way into grad school. Twice. This way of being has afforded me the opportunity to be surrounded by incredibly smart and talented people who, wait for it, also could be put into the think too much box.
With all that being said, let me toss this back at you: I think there are people in this world who don’t think enough.
So tell me, oh-so-judgmental humans, what does thinking just enough look like? How is it measured?
Show me the super-well-adjusted humans who are so good at hiding their neurosis that they’ve become a model for normal. The standard. The benchmark.
To me, if well-adjusted were an ice cream flavor, it would be plain old vanilla. My taste buds just shuttered in terror at the thought. Boring old vanilla. Blah.
Let’s take a look at an official definition. According to the Cambridge Dictionary: “A well-adjusted person is reasonable, has good judgment, and their behavior is not difficult or strange.”
Well-adjusted sounds fucking boring. So very vanilla, if you ask me. Especially where creativity is concerned. A creative mind who thinks too much might never be well-adjusted, vanilla for vanilla’s sake. And that’s okay.
So let’s break this down.
Reasonable, they say? The world is unreasonable. People are unreasonable. Circumstances are unreasonable. So why are we expected to approach it as well-adjusted?
Good judgment? Assigning a value to anything is inherently subjective. Someone’s good judgment could be another person’s cautionary tale. Let’s not judge judgment. It’s not our job.
Personally, I think the world needs a little more unreasonable, strange and difficult behavior.
Let’s toss well-adjusted out the window and use our beautiful, neurotic, creative glory to shake up the snow globe. To find non-vanilla solutions to the world’s problems. Vanilla isn’t working.
Because well-adjusted seems like a small box to try to fit into when our real beauty and power lie in what makes us strange and difficult.
So today, I am owning my strange and difficult. I am making a promise to me that I will stop apologizing for it.
To hell with well-adjusted. I’m a fucking Rocky Road sundae with homemade whipped cream, a cherry, sprinkles and nuts on top.
Grab a spoon.
Kathleen Majorsky is a part-time writer, a part-time holistic health coach, and a part-time event planner. While she is still trying to figure out what she wants to be when she grows up, writing creatively is a sweet release for her. If you are lucky, you might catch her at a spoken word event performing one of her pieces. Her creativity is birthed through her commitment to meditating on the beach in San Diego every morning. When she is not meditating on the beach or cooking, she is taking road trips and seeking out experiences that will keep her on her toes. She maintains an ongoing bucket list that she keeps on her desktop. She believes everybody has the capacity to be creative, and loves to honor people in their quest to playfully discover their true creative selves. She also believes creativity and love will save the world.
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