Bohemian Horoscopes for 2019. {Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo}

Aries (March 21-April 20)
Love & Lust
Relationships will be steady as she goes in 2019, which could be an issue for adrenaline-addicted Rams. If you are attached, do all you can to reboot a stale partnership or fix a frustrating problem. If you allow boredom and complacency to set in, then it won’t be long before you’re heading out the door. Singles, with Venus vamping through your sign (from April 21 until May 15), you’ll be at your bewitching best as you attract admirers like moths to a flame. So it’s the perfect time to fall in love, join an online dating site, or update your current profile.
Loot & Luck
Travel and luck are linked in 2019, when you could benefit from a foreign friendship or an international business connection. January and February are particularly good months to tap into your entrepreneurial side and turn an abstract, innovative idea into a productive and lucrative project. But avoid gambling, real estate speculation and joint financial ventures in July and November, when retrograde Mercury scrambles your logic and confuses your business brain.
January and February are the months to take some calculated risks and set a fabulously unique course for the year. But your professional life is in for some serious and transformative changes as you take on more responsibilities in your current position, accept a leadership role, start a new job or change careers. With Jupiter jumping through your adventure zone, travel beckons, especially in January, February or March.
Famous Arians
Lady Gaga, Marlon Brando, Reese Witherspoon.
New Year Motto
“Don’t let anyone in the world tell you that you can’t be exactly who you are. You have to shine in your own way.” ~ Lady Gaga
Taurus (April 21-May 21)
Love & Lust
Attached Bulls, love and lust are on the menu in 2019, when (courtesy of extravagant Jupiter) your sex drive regularly soars. January, February and December are terrific months to travel with your partner, preferably to an exotic foreign destination that’s near water. Singles, don’t sit around waiting for true love to knock on your door. February, May and June are fabulous months to flirt up a storm and circulate in style (both in person and online) when proactive Mars and charismatic Venus visit your sign.
Loot & Luck
Lucky Jupiter is moving through your money-from-others zone (until December 2, 2019) so you could benefit from a favor, freebie, pay rise, inheritance, gift, bumper tax return, divorce settlement or superannuation payout. Make sure you manage any windfall wisely, with a view to long-term financial security. Then, from December 3 onwards, there’s money to be made via publishing, education, travel, business trips, international contacts, imports or exports.
2019 is the year when you can really stand out from the crowd and make a strong impression in the public sphere. With unique Uranus moving back into your sign (from March 6 until 2026), the more authentically you express your personality, talents and creativity, the more successful you’ll be. Saturn, Pluto and four eclipses are activating your education zones. So it’s important that you channel serious and focused energy into updating your skills or studying new subjects in the coming year. The more you challenge yourself mentally, the better.
Famous Taureans
Cher, Salvador Dali, Cate Blanchett.
New Year Motto
“All of us invent ourselves. I’ve always taken risks and I’ve never worried about what the world might think of me.” ~ Cher
Gemini (May 22-June 21)
Love & Lust
Courtesy of bountiful Jupiter, 2019 is a very positive year for relationships. Attached Twins, you have much to learn from your spouse, and the more you explore new horizons together, the better the partnership will be. Singles, you could discover your perfect match when travelling, be attracted to someone from another country or culture, find true love with a teacher, or a long-term platonic friendship could take a surprisingly romantic detour.
Loot & Luck
When it comes to receiving funds from others, 2019 will be a frustrating year. If someone owes you money, don’t expect it back in a hurry. And if you find yourself in financial difficulties, then don’t presume that family or friends will bail you out. In the current economic climate, the more cautious and thrifty you are, the better your fiscal future will be. January is the best month to commit yourself to a rebooted budget. If you are serious about making progress, you’ll start to see pleasing results by July.
Love, friendship, luck, travel and business are all linked. So 2019 is a fortunate year to start (and promote) a promising joint venture, especially with a business partner from another country or culture. But avoid making important career decisions in February, July and November, when Mercury (your ruling planet) reverses through your money and work zones. Instead, take the time to research, revise, rethink and recalibrate.
Famous Geminis
Stevie Nicks, Johnny Depp, Angelina Jolie.
New Year Motto
“The man of my dreams could walk round the corner tomorrow… I live in the realm of romantic possibility.” ~ Stevie Nicks
Cancer (June 22-July 23)
Love & Lust
Expect some challenges in 2019 as Saturn, Pluto and three eclipses stir up your relationship zone. Singles, you may have to date a few duds before you find your dream lover. Don’t give up, each dating disappointment will lead you closer to your soul mate. Attached Crabs, February is the prime month to plan a romantic weekend escape with your sweetheart, when Venus boosts your sensuality and lust for life. But things could come to a head in July, when the lunar eclipse shines an unforgiving light on a frustrating problem.
Loot & Luck
The lunar eclipse fires up your money zone in January. So be careful you don’t get carried away over the holidays (or at the New Year sales) and end up with a financial fiasco on your hands. In 2019, good fortune manifests via your connection with a friend, colleague, employee or tenant. You’ll also find that prudent spending, solid work habits and a healthy lifestyle will lead to more lucky opportunities coming your way in the future.
Existing one-to-one relationships (whether romantic, platonic or business) have a karmic quality to them over the coming year. You could meet someone for the first time (or go somewhere new) where you experience a distinct feeling of déjà vu. The Saturn-Neptune connection stimulates your kind, caring and humanitarian side in January, June and November. You’ll feel like travelling in April and December, but expect some turbulence along the way.
Famous Cancerians
Princess Diana, Debbie Harry, Margot Robbie.
New Year Motto
“Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.” ~ Princess Diana
Leo (July 24-August 23)
Love & Lust
In 2019, you’ll experience a lucky love cycle, as Jupiter (planet of prosperity) powers through your romance and good-fortune zone. So it’s a wonderful year to join an online dating site, fall in love, move in together, propose, get married or renew your wedding vows. You could also go on a special holiday with your partner or start a hot romance with a sexy foreigner, as love and travel are connected. The best months to take a trip are January, February, April and May.
Loot & Luck
Many Leos will be extra lucky in 2019, as prosperity planet Jupiter moves through your good-fortune zone. So it’s an auspicious year to sell shares or real estate, enter a competition, buy a lottery ticket, visit the casino, win at the races or launch a lucrative project. But avoid making important financial decisions (like applying for a loan or signing a contract) when Mercury is retrograde in February, July and November.
It’s a fabulous year to foster friendships, as you extend your peer group to include a creative and generous new crowd. Your family life is also incredibly important in 2019. Some Lions will welcome a new baby or enjoy improved relations with a child, teenager or parent as you share mutual hobbies, sports and interests. You’ll also feel more benevolent towards a recalcitrant relative, and may find it in your heart to forgive and forget their past transgressions.
Famous Leos
Madonna, Mick Jagger, Kate Bush.
New Year Motto
“Seek out strong women to befriend, to align yourself with, to learn from, to collaborate with and to be inspired by.” ~ Madonna
Virgo (August 24-September 23)
Love & Lust
Neptune and Saturn stimulate your love zones in 2019, so you could celebrate your engagement, get married, move in with your lover or become a parent, as you strive for more permanence in your primary partnership. With hard work and commitment, your love life will slowly go from strength to strength. Singles, expect a temporary dating drought in February, when Mercury reverses through your relationship zone. The best months to meet your soul mate are in May, June, August and September, when your earthy charm attracts admirers from near and far.
Loot & Luck
With prosperity planet Jupiter visiting your domestic zone, family and luck are linked. So the period between now and December 2 is the best time to redecorate, renovate, build an extension, sell property, buy a new home or other real estate, house-sit, relocate or start a home-based business. Good fortune could also come via a loved one, distant relative or family friend. Your luckiest days of the year are May 3 and August 21, so plan something special.
With four eclipses stimulating your peer group zones, is 2019 the year to sever ties with a fair-weather friend? Make it a priority to fill your friendship group with positive people who encourage your talents and support your dreams. The following dates are when Mercury (your ruling planet) is retrograde: from February 5-28, be extra careful when communicating with loved ones; July 7-August 1 looks tricky for friendships and social networking; from October 31-November 20, expect computer, travel or car chaos.
Famous Virgos
Beyonce, Richard Gere, Amy Poehler.
New Year Motto
“Your self-worth is determined by you. You don’t have to depend on someone telling you who you are.” ~ Beyonce
This is the first part of a 2019 horoscope series. Read the second part here.
Joanne Madeline Moore has worked as an actress and singer in Australia, studied macrobiotics and shiatsu in London, meditated at Stonehenge, explored the medinas of Marrakech, lived with gypsy poets in the caves above Granada (in Spain), and been blessed by a Balian priest during a lunar eclipse in Indonesia. She’s also been a professional astrologer and writer since 1994. Her horoscope columns are currently syndicated in over 40 newspapers and magazines (and on websites) in the US, Canada, Europe, South Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. You can read her daily and weekly horoscopes on her website, and connect with her on Twitter and Facebook.
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