Bohemian Horoscopes for 2019. {Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces}

Libra (September 24-October 23)
Love & Lust
Attached Libras, January and June are terrific times to travel with your sweetheart, whereas April and May are the best months to bring more romance, flirting, fantasy and fun into the relationship. If you’re single, make sure you’re actively on the lookout for love in January and February, when adventurous Uranus and proactive Mars power through your partnership zone. And don’t be shy about promoting your positive qualities. If you don’t love and respect yourself, then why should anyone else?
Loot & Luck
Prosperity planet Jupiter moves through your communication and social networking zone until December 2, 2019. So you could hit the internet jackpot when something you post (or sell) online goes viral. There’ll also be opportunities to boost cash flow via writing, teaching, podcasting or public speaking. But your financial situation could stall (or temporarily go backwards) in November, when Mercury reverses through your money zone. With plenty of patience and persistence, things will soon be back on track again.
Expect some hiccups during the coming year as Saturn, Pluto and three eclipses stimulate your home zone. Any dramas will be easier to manage if you are flexible, take your domestic responsibilities seriously, and make your family Number One. With Jupiter activating your travel zone, an interstate sojourn or an overseas adventure is on the cards, so start planning your itinerary (and saving) ASAP. Best places to visit? Cultural cities with fabulous food and fashion (like New York, Paris, Barcelona, Melbourne and Milan).
Famous Librans
Serena Williams, Gore Vidal, Naomi Watts.
New Year Motto
“Family’s first and that’s what matters most. Tennis is just a game, family is forever.” ~ Serena Williams
Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
Love & Lust
Singles, are you stuck in a rut, brooding about the past or searching for love in all the same old places? With Uranus and Neptune activating your relationship zones, be more creative and adventurous as you look for a lover who shakes up your comfort zone (someone with an avant-garde approach to life). Attached Scorpios, 2019 is the year to get the balance right between the stability of your day-to-day routine and the excitement of your shared dreams and fantasies for the future.
Loot & Luck
Finances and luck are linked in 2019, as Jupiter (planet of prosperity and good fortune) transits through your money zone. So expect a boost to your bank balance via a pay raise, bonus, gift or extra business coming your way. It’s also an auspicious year to buy a lottery ticket, enter a competition, bet on the horses, or hit the casino. Any windfall won’t last long if you don’t manage it wisely though. So make sure you squirrel extra cash away to tide you over when times are tight.
Jupiter is journeying through your self-esteem zone. So it’s time to truly love yourself and expand your personal parameters, so you can become the biggest and best version of yourself that you can possibly be. And don’t dismiss the assistance of others. Influential people are happy to help you. With an experienced teacher, coach or mentor on board, you can achieve great things. If you travel in 2019, it’s likely to be for work or study purposes, rather than just frivolous fun.
Famous Scorpios
Katy Perry, Georgia O’Keeffe, Bjork.
New Year Motto
“I never want to be just one thing. I want to be multidimensional.” ~ Katy Perry
Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
Love & Lust
In 2019, strive to get the balance right between being an independent free-spirit and having satisfying relationships. Singles, you’ll feel extra frisky in January and February, as you flirt up a storm and circulate in style. So it’s the perfect time to host a party, go on a blind date, join a singles club, or look for love online. If you are attached, alternate solo projects with joint ventures. May and June favor companionship, romance and pampering your partner, so plan something special.
Loot & Luck
With Pluto, penny-pinching Saturn and four eclipses stirring up your money zones in 2019, expect delayed payments, tax problems, diminished cash flow, or budget blow-outs. July looks particularly problematic, when retrograde Mercury and two eclipses bring financial issues to a head. Separating your wants from your needs is a must, as smart Sagittarians get thrifty and concentrate on sensible saving, sustainable living, and getting by on less.
Lucky Jupiter (your power planet) is moving through your sign until December 2, which is good news for your general health, physical vitality and mental well-being. Jupiter also gives you the chutzpah to initiate personal changes and then take on the world. Make the most of this powerful energy surge, which only happens once every 12 years. It’s time to be the best and boldest Sagittarian you can be, as you take on ambitious challenges and venture into exciting new areas that would usually daunt you. Confidence is definitely the rocket fuel that will take you places in 2019.
Famous Sagittarians
Jane Fonda, Jim Morrison, Daryl Hannah.
New Year Motto
“I have a confidence about my life that comes from standing tall on my own two feet.” ~ Jane Fonda
Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
Love & Lust
Attached Caps, the solar and lunar eclipses (in January and July) could stir up hidden tensions, particularly if one of you has been putting work before the relationship. It’s best to bring these problems up into the light of day, where they can be examined, discussed and resolved. Singles, Cupid’s arrow is most likely to strike in February, May or June, when you’re attracted to a tender Taurus or a caring Cancer. So brush up on your flirting technique and sexy one-liners.
Loot & Luck
Intuition and luck are linked, as your inner voice guides you in the right direction. But be very careful about money matters in January and July when the lunar eclipse and retrograde Mercury scramble your financial antennae. The luckiest month of 2019 is December, when prosperity planet Jupiter activates your personal and good fortune zones. So make sure you prepare well during the preceding 11 months, so you’re ready, willing and able to capitalize on good luck when it comes along.
Saturn (which is still transiting through Capricorn) presents some serious challenges in 2019. If you learn from them, then you’ll gradually develop and mature, like a fine red wine. Activities like meditation, contemplation, yoga and journaling are favored, as Jupiter journeys through your spiritual zone and you tap into the wisdom within. The positive Saturn/Neptune connections (in January, June and November) are fabulous for taking a special dream and spinning it into a rock-solid reality.
Famous Capricorns
Dolly Parton, David Bowie, Julia Louis-Dreyfus.
New Year Motto
“The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you’ve got to put up with the rain.” ~ Dolly Parton
Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
Love & Lust
The lunar eclipse (on January 21) heralds a dramatic year for love. Attached Aquarians, February is a fabulous time to travel with your partner. But your romantic life looks rocky in July, when Mercury reverses through your relationship zone and communication goes haywire. So it’s not an ideal time to make important decisions about matters of the heart. Singles, are you looking for your soul mate in all the wrong places? In April and May, true love could be as close as the boy or girl next door.
Loot & Luck
The internet and luck are linked in 2019, and your public profile could suddenly take off via the clever use of social media (and a helping hand from Jupiter). A tweet, blog post, video or podcast could reach a wider audience or even go viral. Astute Aquarians will find numerous ways to monetize lucky opportunities that come along. But avoid being impulsive and buying big ticket items (like a car, home or investment property) in February, when Mercury reverses through your money zone.
With Saturn, Pluto and three eclipses highlighting your humanitarian zone, many Aquarians will become involved in volunteer work as you reach out to help the old, sick, homeless or disadvantaged within your local community. You’ll feel extra restless in 2019, as Jupiter and Uranus stir up your gypsy gene and you’re keen to explore local landmarks, travel internationally, or move interstate. But you may discover that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.
Famous Aquarians
Oprah Winfrey, Bob Marley, Yoko Ono.
New Year Motto
“Do your best to make a difference, not only in your own life but also in other people’s lives.” ~ Oprah Winfrey
Pisces (February 20-March 20)
Love & Lust
Love, travel and adventure are linked in January and February. From March onwards, you’ll feel like refreshing your dating profile, road-testing a potential partner, taking a fledgling fling to a serious new level, or rebooting a long-term relationship that’s got into a rut. But matters of the heart are likely to stall in July, when Mercury reverses through your romance zone. So it’s not a good month to celebrate an engagement, get married, or launch a new liaison. Instead, be patient and wait.
Loot & Luck
With fortunate Jupiter activating your career zone, an exciting new professional venture is shining on the horizon. So it’s a wonderful year to look for a job, hit up your boss for a raise, apply for a business loan, expand your present vocation, buy out a struggling competitor, or live the laptop lifestyle by starting an online business. If extra money comes your way, don’t be too impulsive and short-sighted. Make sure you secure any windfall wisely, with an eye to your long-term future needs.
In January, June and November, the Saturn/Neptune connection helps you be more productive with your creativity and spiritually. So it’s the perfect time to take up a daily discipline (like meditation or yoga) plus turn a magical dream into a concrete reality (like a book, poem, painting, or some other tangible creative project). But extra caution and discrimination are required in February and September. Don’t be gullible and let a dubious friend, colleague, client or customer lead you down the primrose path to Piscean trouble.
Famous Pisceans
Anais Nin, Drew Barrymore, Steve Jobs.
New Year Motto
“Throw your dreams into space like a kite and you do not know what it will bring back; a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country.” ~ Anais Nin
This is the second part of a 2019 horoscope series. Read the first part here.
Joanne Madeline Moore has worked as an actress and singer in Australia, studied macrobiotics and shiatsu in London, meditated at Stonehenge, explored the medinas of Marrakech, lived with gypsy poets in the caves above Granada (in Spain), and been blessed by a Balian priest during a lunar eclipse in Indonesia. She’s also been a professional astrologer and writer since 1994. Her horoscope columns are currently syndicated in over 40 newspapers and magazines (and on websites) in the US, Canada, Europe, South Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. You can read her daily and weekly horoscopes on her website, and connect with her on Twitter and Facebook.
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