How to Transform Fabricated ‘Crises of the Heart and Soul’.

Especially when states of emergency propaganda and crises of the heart and soul are fabricated where there are none, it’s super important to deliberately and consciously anchor in our sanity, otherwise your monkey mind will spin this energy around and not know how to ground it.
If you are experiencing perpetual anger and rage, you may need to push your sanity stakes down deeper, assert your stance, and expand your reservoir to hold these feelings. Don’t make the mistake of dismissing that this won’t make a difference or do anything. Our doing is very layered.
We hope that tip-of-the-iceberg results and huge political change are not the only measures that determine your personal success or justify the worthiness of your efforts.
What would you say to the millions of people living under decades and/or centuries of political and other oppression? Probably not Just give up. The situation is hopeless.
Our nation’s current circumstances are dire in their own right, but where do we each have wiggle room?
I’m devoting 2019 to the Rise and Empowerment of Hidden Figures: you, me, and all of our wise sis-stars. It’s going to become more imperative than ever to own and fiercely protect our clarity, power, and intuitive resilience as transformational leaders and as sanctuaries for peace, love, harmony and wholeness.
Yes, we need to roll up our sleeves however we can, but before doing so, realize that you are part of a bigger web and safety net of light and love, and know how to access this support at will.
Play. Have big-girl toys, like tarot cards. I pulled Oshun, the Goddess of harmony, from my gorgeous mother’s wisdom deck.
Oshun, bringing harmony, appeared in the sacred center of my spread, where our true-north heart compass resides.
Don’t make your commitment to seeking harmony a fair-weather goal. However we twist or turn it, living in a chronic state of distress and anger will hurt us and our loved ones the most. If we are using it as a catalyst to spark change, we are living a lie.
1. Being in constant distress is not necessary to fuel or fortify our mission.
2. Our lack of emotional harmony more often sabotages than strengthens our mission.
Dismissing and squashing our intense feelings is also not the answer. We are a closed energetic system. Whatever we repress will just surface somewhere else.
The answer is to expand our container. A drop of poison in a glass may kill you. The same drop diluted in a gallon jug or an ocean will do much less harm.
We don’t want to dilute our experience so much that we can’t discern one experience from another. We want to maintain our sensitivity and subtlety, which ironically develops the more relaxed and open, rather than defensive, we become.
The point shouldn’t be to shut down our ingenious inner guidance and wisdom, our energy-in-motion, but to understand it’s attunement to the laws of nature and harmony, and how these operate within ourselves.
With nonjudgmental awareness, we can create greater harmony by activating, energizing and actualizing all the places where we are underactualized — hiding and retreating behind the scenes.
We at the same time also create inner harmony by soothing and deenergizing all the places we tend to blow a fuse.
Most people don’t realize that very intense and uncomfortable fuse-blowing feelings, such as rage, disgust, loathing, despair, hopelessness, and the like, can be just as effective in relaying their important messages and guidance at mild levels of 2-3 and don’t need to reach a level 10 to get through to us, as long as we honor their power, their alarm, their urgency, their indignity, even when whispered.
So have all your feelings without holding back. Honor the shouts and whispers equally. Don’t deny any. And observe how your mind, body, heart and soul naturally seek homeostasis and regroup, often giving you insight on what you are, to devote and focus your light and love on to counter an imbalance or meet an unmet need in your external environment.
Even if you are not clear yet what that could be, trust the process by taking deep care of yourself. This alone makes you a much-needed safe and brave haven for harmony, wisdom and wholeness for others negatively affected and unable to sustain their peace during these chaotic and uncertain times.
Loraine Van Tuyl, PhD, CHT, is a holistic psychologist, Depth Hypnosis shamanic practitioner, dynamic speaker, WomanSpeak leader, and award-winning author of Amazon Wisdom Keeper: A Psychologist’s Memoir of Spiritual Awakening. She believes that the most effective way to heal and re-nature our denatured, patriarchal world is by excavating and supporting women’s deep wells of wisdom, bold dreams and game-changing missions. Her two-decade-long devotion to awakening fierce, wise women has led to the empowerment of hundreds of trailblazers in the fields of psychology, holistic health, academia, the arts, renewable energy, social justice, and entrepeneurship. Within the transformative framework of her signature Soul Sanctuary Alchemy self-healing model, she teaches them how to cultivate unwavering trust in their creative powers, clarity and intuitive ingenuity that’s honed by Gaia’s sacred seven directions and their own dream team of spirit guides. Her work has appeared in Elephant Journal, Rebelle Society, and Byrdie. She has presented multiple times at the UC Berkeley Counseling Center and Native American Health Center, and has been interviewed by the Amazon Conservation Team, Divine Insight, All Things Therapy, Conscious Talk, Good Vibrations, and more. You could contact her via her website.