Packing for the Wild Woman Freedom Journey.

Every once in a while, my muse/inner creative goddess decides that she wants to write a love letter directly to you all, using me as her always faithful scribe. Today is one of those days.
Dear wild women of the untamable creative heart, I know that many of you are in the process of throwing off the shackles of thousands of years of ancient oppression. You are bravely walking out the door, leaving behind situations, beliefs and ways of being that have been keeping you down and holding you back for way too long.
The life of a creative adventuress is calling to you, and you are listening to the call. It takes courage, my dear daughter of the moon and wind and earth, to follow this path of soul liberation and Divine Feminine sovereignty.
And as you prepare yourself for this wondrous and perilous journey, I have a bit of advice regarding some things that every wild woman needs to make sure is tucked away in her freedom knapsack, suitcase or Guatemalan bag.
Wild Hunger: This is the only thing that will steadfastly guide you to that which will nourish your deepest soul. You need to remember that you and only you know exactly what will feed you. You must devote yourself to that hunger as your North Star. Your ravenous longings are where your greatest aliveness lies. They are your most profoundly reliable and trusted resource. Do not fear them. And never let anyone talk you out of your appetites. Or make you feel like there is something wrong with you for wanting exactly what you want. Accept no substitutes for what it is that your heart and bones and belly truly desire.
Cunning Wisdom: A journey to freedom demands that you have all of your wits and your cleverness about you. Not only do you know what you want, but you know exactly what you need to do to get it. When a wild woman is stalking her wild hungers, it will most likely take her down strange and unmarked paths. That scent of your yearning is all you have to go by. It is enough. Forge your own trail. Follow your own thread. Do things that no one has ever done before. Improvise and create new modes and methods for living a creatively adventurous life.
Fierce Boundaries: There are dangers on the path to freedom. Dangers to your time, your energy, your sense of yourself. Every journey requires that you have the capacity to protect yourself from saboteurs, both inner and outer. You can’t be nice and pleasing to others and still be an adventuress. You need to be willing to create boundaries around your precious time and energy. To continue to put yourself and your needs first. To fight for your right to follow your heart in your own unique way.
Prayer: And by that, I mean having regular conversations with the Creative Goddess. You are not alone. You are never alone. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from Spirit and from your inner wise-woman self. It’s okay to stop and take time to listen if you don’t know where to go next. If the answers don’t show up right away, cultivate patience and the capacity for stillness.
Surrender: Don’t get too attached to your plans or ideas about how this journey is supposed to go. You need to be prepared for anything. To remain flexible while honing the capacity to change direction at a moment’s notice. To remember that outer security is an illusion, and that the only things you can really count on are your own life force, your capacity for love and your relationship to Spirit.

Chris Zydel is head creative goddess at Creative Juices Arts. She has over 35 years of experience as a compassionate creativity guide and an unshakable faith in the power of creativity to heal hearts and change lives. She knows deep in her bones that everyone is deeply, wonderfully and gloriously creative, and is on a relentlessly love-soaked mission to prove that to the world. She performs this magic by providing nurturing and joy-filled creative sanctuaries overflowing with compassion, encouragement, permission and trust in the sacred energy of play and creativity that lives inside of us all.