Let’s Continue Humanity’s Evolution, Where Our Governments Are Accountable.

Dear fellow political witness,
I am sorry. As a US citizen, I’m embarrassed. Washington needs kindergarten teachers, holding their hands.
Recently, President Trump gave his State of the Union address. Did you notice his comments about compromise and bipartisanship? Do you hold any esteem in the success, or sincerity, of this intent?
Ideally, brilliant minds, from multiple parties, like Madeleine Albright, and Condoleezza Rice, or John McCain (miss him), and John Kerry, come together, sharing their intelligence. Imagine that! Instead, government shuts down, and people work without pay.
While I apologize for the actions of our elected leaders, we are not them.
We are not Donald Trump. While we are invested in our prolific financial sustainability, we are not structuring our success exclusively to only include those in our personal circles.
We are not Nancy Pelosi. While we recognize the foundation of the growth of our country lies on the resilience and fortitude of numerous immigrants, we won’t prevent forward movement based on our approval of your demonstrated value in our heritage.
We are not Al Gore. While we see the immediate necessity for consumption of energy, and resources, to transition to a much more conscientious nature, we are not scoring your value by how green we view your daily actions.
We are not George Bush. While we want to protect our community from malicious behavior, we are not fabricating evidence to label enemies and invade the privacy of our neighbors.
We are not Bernie Sanders. While we find that labor is often undervalued and misjudged as a commodity, instead of a service provided by human beings, we are not suggesting an absolutely fair distribution of resources based on our individual responsibilities.
We are not Ron Paul. While we value the system that improves our decision-making, we do not assume that our morality is the only one worthy of your commitment.
We are not Jerry Brown. While we invest in open communication, and commerce with multiple and diverse economies, we don’t use our success to bribe or threaten anyone who challenges our integrity.
We are not John Galt. While we know there is a better way, that a cohesive, and comprehensive, community, respecting our embraceable uniqueness, is possible, we are not escaping to a self-created utopia, hidden in the mountains.
In a recent conversation, I was told that world peace is impossible. Okay, I see the consistency of conflict, but my friendly contender was putting a cap on the evolution of humanity. For centuries, slavery was acceptable. It was acknowledged with laws to protect slave-owners. Then, everyone changed their mind.
It only took about a 100 years for governments across the globe to completely switch their laws to protect the freedom of every individual. We evolved. And, we continue to evolve.
Right now, United States government leaders are embarrassing, and I hope I’m not judged by their actions. Politicians are notoriously irritating, regardless of country or state. But, when I look around my neighborhood and city, I see people who work hard. I see people who go out of their way to show their family and friends that they value each moment together.
I see people who, instead of throwing in the towel, are rolling up their sleeves.
Let’s resolve to continue humanity’s evolution, where our governments embody responsibility and accountability. In the meantime, I am very, very sorry. Maybe they’re zombies, disguised as human beings with brains.
Love and Gratitude,
Your fellow Earth citizen
Christy Kirsch lives in California, and doesn’t mind if you judge her. When she’s cranky, time in the garden with her strawberries, chocolate mint and poblano chilies usually sets her straight, so does a swim in the Pacific Ocean.