Mercury Retrograde Isn’t out to Get Us, It’s Meant to Serve Us.

Mercury retrograde used to destroy my life. I’m not kidding, you guys.
I’ve had my laptop stolen only to get double-charged when it was replaced, and I was almost sent to collection for their error. I’ve had clients fly me out to the wrong location, get fired on site over it, and I’ve lost my phone three times in a single week.
It was such a hot mess that one of my friends thought I was being tormented by demons and suggested I get an energy clearing. I teetered between being a petulant defiant in the face of mercurial times, refusing to be taken down, and being Mercury retrograde’s bitch because I didn’t want to rock the boat. Neither of these extreme approaches worked, obviously.
But I have to tell you, all those unhelpfully vanilla advice about how Mercury’s a blessing didn’t cut it for me. It felt like a half-assed attempt to poorly manipulate me into ignoring the bad, expecting me to breathe through the shit-storm. I’m not about that life.
After many gut-wrenching Mercury retrogrades, here’s what I learned:
Mercury retrograde is an astrologically designed, success-facilitating, goal-setting system created by the Universe.
Think about it. Mercury retrograde blesses us with its presence about once a season, giving us the divine opportunity to reflect on our lives, review, reorganize, and redo things. It follows the same schedule and system that successful businesses and entrepreneurs practice. Hello, quarterly reviews.
I used to think Mercury retrograde three or four times a year was too much, but we have 12 months in a year. Why wouldn’t we want an astrological hack that invites us to review our projections every quarter? It’s time to measure progress, celebrate success, make improvements, learn from mistakes, and line up your future executions. There’s so much power in looking at your own shit.
In this overly hustling world we live, which is so unbalanced, there’s a universal hack that encourages us to be mindful. Success requires us to take a break from starting or continuing projects, so we can reevaluate to ensure optimal performance.
As a society, we’ve normalized pushing through and executing things that are poorly engineered that so many of us dread, blame, and feel defeated by Mercury retrograde because we’re the ones that got it all twisted.
Mercury retrograde is only an inconvenience when you want to continue making misaligned choices. Meanwhile, Mercury retrograde follows the formula successful businesses and entrepreneurs live and breathe by.
If you have a problem with this opportunity, it’s not Mercury retrograde. Babe, it’s you. I get it. Things beyond your control happens and we can’t put life on hold. I’m not suggesting that. I’d never suggest that. But I’m introducing you to a new concept and inviting you to engage with the mercurial rhythm in a way that’s oh-so-rewarding. Mercury retrograde isn’t out to get us, it’s meant to serve us.
I’ve been on both ends of the pendulum, and now that I’ve come out of the other side, I realize what an epically slow learning curve my stubbornness fueled and why no one else’s insights helped me. Most people don’t bring their hella extra energy into the mercurial concoction. For those of you who do, I hope these insights helped.
Take the time to explore how you want to review your life every quarter. I recommend breaking it down into different categories: Self/Health, Business, Finances, Family/Friends/Loved Ones, Relationship, Education.
Define for yourself what your goals are, what your definition of success is, jot down inspired ideas and ways to achieve this, create an accountability system, and review it every quarter. Time to get into retrograde flow, baby.

Jaymie Yang is a nonconformist who supports wildly non-traditional women. She’s a Mindset Coach and Energy Healer. She’s also a workshop host, public speaker, content writer, and an empath described as a badass energy bitch who feels everything. Her passion is to navigate women who are exploding with brilliant ideas, and streamlining a soulfully strategic and practical process to help them design the life of their dreams.