Where Was the Authentic Celebration of Women Last Week?

International Women’s Day just passed us by, and so much of what was out there felt like a disgrace and a misrepresentation of what that day is all about.
Companies jumping on board in an effort to make more sales. Politicians with agendas to get more votes. Individuals throwing on the “I support women” badge in an effort to look good.
It felt like a slap in the face.
International Women’s Day is about honoring women and the authentic feminine nature that each woman is.
Who is she?
She’s a million different things — she’s mother, lover, warrior, sister, aunt, grandmother. She’s fierce, loving, kind, wild, ferocious, protective, soft, mystical, strong, and yet gentle at the same time.
She feels deeply, knows intuitively, and is connected to the all of everything.
Her wisdom reaches far beyond her five senses and her logical mind.
And deep down, her life is never lived simply for herself. Her heart is far too big for that, and her connection to the whole of everything is far too deep for that. She has, after all, given birth to and mothered every single human being on this planet for all of eternity.
Let’s invite her to rise.
It’s time.
It’s time we stop devaluing our innate feminine essence and start embracing it for the gift that it is.
It’s time we embrace our emotions for the gifts they are. Those tears that come or the roar that bubbles up at what may seem like nothing isn’t nothing. It’s something, and it’s important. Let’s allow it to move through us.
It’s time we embrace our natural cycles for the gifts they are. Your monthly bleed is a gift. Menopause is a gift. Our transition from Maiden to Mother to Crone is a gift. We are cyclical, we are connected, we are deeply intertwined with Mother Nature herself. Let’s celebrate this.
It’s time we embrace our ability to shift and change so spontaneously for the gift that it is. We are permeable, mutable, and forever flowing with life-force itself, which is truly in constant flux. Let’s give ourselves the freedom to change our minds and allow the knowings to come, the shifts to take place, and the change to simply be.
Celebrating your own feminine wisdom
Let’s celebrate our hearts and the depth at which they yearn to connect to someone or something in order to give and receive love.
Let’s celebrate our wombs for their creative, life-giving, nurturing abilities of not just human children, but all creations we are called to birth.
Finally, let’s feel into the depths of our own feminine and ask how she would like to celebrate women.
And then whatever insights arise, no matter how irrational, how illogical, or how silly they may seem to our masculine-trained minds, let’s trust it, honor it, and act on it.
That is authentic celebration of women.
Sabrina Lynn, founder of ReWilding For Women, has had a profound impact on thousands of women across the globe. She is one of the most passionate and raw personal development trainers in the world. Having taught in some of the largest organizations in Australia — Commonwealth Bank, Tourism Australia, UNSW, BHP Billiton, QBE and WNBN — she combines her common sense, down-to-earth approach with depth, wildness and raw power, which are the unique signatures of her ReWilding work. She facilitates at a depth where remarkable transformations, healings and openings in women’s lives are a common occurrence. Sabrina brings 12 years of teaching, facilitating, consulting and coaching experience into her work. She’s studied, practiced and taught archetypal psychology, neuroscience, leadership, shamanism, energetic healing, meditation, astrology, tantra, physiology and mind-body connection.