5 Ways to Honor Your Energy and Sensitivity.

The unimpeded flow of your life force feels good.
Being aligned as a human being with your true nature feels good.
We are supposed to feel good.
Trying to adjust our thinking, behavior or way of being for another can conflict with who we really are and cause dissonance, which feels horrible.
And it can come disguised as exhaustion, illness, depression or anxiety. When you understand and tune into energy and be in accordance with it, you are naturally in service to the highest good of everyone, even if it appears otherwise at first.
What can you do today to honor these truths?
1. Stop pretending it doesn’t feel off when it does.
Overriding our inner knowing is a horrible habit that develops in childhood, when other people’s schedules and desires take precedence. We learn the necessary skill of cooperation, but often slide into self-abandonment to try and ensure continued love and affection. Stop doing this. If it feels off/wrong/painful, call it out, have the conversation, remove yourself from the situation.
This is the prerequisite to good boundaries: noticing what serves you, and no longer accepting that which doesn’t.
2. Rest.
The most underestimated and underutilized solution to many ills… rebel, refuse to carry on as normal, stop soldiering on. Your energy needs protection and cleansing as much as your physical body. Salt baths, meditation, quiet stillness and breath work all have these effects. Do them often, alone.
3. Be alone regularly.
Sensitivity is being highly aware of your attunement with what is and how it impacts you. Mastering your energy involves acting as if this matters to you and others. Not only will you thrive, but others will know clarity from you which will aid their own process. Absorbing energy from others is natural, noticing and taking remedial action is a skill that prevents messy entanglements and confusion.
It is far easier to be clear, wise and steady when your energy is contained. It is the biggest challenge to decipher what is yours and what is another’s if you are highly sensitive and over-involved with others.
4. Curate your associations.
Stop placing yourself in the line of fire for people and situations that sabotage your energy. Make decisions that are aligned with yourself. It is good and right to protect and enhance your field, your aura, your presence by being with whatever nurtures it.
5. (The hardest one) Know that people you love most will be the biggest cause of energy leakage.
Making firm decisions around how you manage this will be a decider in how harmonious and beneficial your relating is.
Once you know this, don’t ignore it.

Jemima House is an author, coach and Yoga teacher with over 20 years of experience, dedicated to becoming the most joyful expression of who she is and supporting others to be the same. Practicing and teaching the highest levels of body wisdom, conscious connection and mind management, Jemima is creating communities of highly functioning, heart-led leaders with integrity and power. Connect with her on Instagram or Facebook, and get her book “Magic & Ordinariness” on Amazon.