Miracles Happen: Remember Who We Truly Are.

Everything that happens in our lives, no matter how devastating, is an opportunity for us to grow and become who we have come here to be.
We are not here to get something, but to experience, express, create and contribute our unique gifts. We all have unique gifts to share. Even with billions of people in the world, each of us has something unique to offer to life, and it is through our trials and tribulations where we can discover, hone and further master our gifts.
We are powerful, creative, spiritual beings having a human experience, and it was and is our choice to be here. I’ve even imagined a scenario where we get to ask for the level of challenge we would undertake in this lifetime… it would seem that many of us asked for a level of challenge that sometimes feels like more than we can handle. But, I am here to tell you that this is never the case.
We have every resource we need for every challenge we face. It may not feel like it when we’re in the thick of it, but if we are willing to take a deeper look and rise to be the person we came here to be, we will find a brighter outcome than we ever thought possible. In fact, that’s when miracles happen.
But first, we must open to the possibility that not only are miracles possible, miracles are our birthright. Yes, miracles are our birthright when we remember who we truly are. We are not these small human beings we see in the mirror. We are the gigantic, spiritual powerhouses behind those magnificent eyes.
That’s what makes spiritual community so important. We are not meant to take our journey alone, but to find like-minded souls to travel with. We come together and work together to make this world a better place for everyone, and to remind each other who we are, especially during those times when we forget. It’s easy to forget, so having others to remind us helps.
It’s true that no one can live our journey, but like Rumi says, “You are the drop, and the ocean.” That means each of us has within us the whole of the universe, the whole of humanity… all of it, everything. There is no spot where God/Spirit/the Divine/Universe (whatever name you like to give it) is not.
Rising means remembering this in every moment we can, remembering who we authentically are, not trying to fit some prescribed notion of what we think we should be to belong, to be good enough, or any reason we give ourselves. And when we do remember who we are, at our core, at our best, and we show up true to that, we create the world we wish to see. It’s simple, really, but certainly not easy.
That’s the work — the reason we are here and what makes being here so miraculous. We can experience the most devastating of circumstances and still rise to see it as a blessing. It’s possible. I’ve seen it, spoken with cancer survivors, and parents who have lost children who speak of those circumstances as blessings. Hard to believe, but true. So, I ask you, what circumstance is your blessing for today?

Rev. Cliff Rubin is the Senior Minister at Spiritworks Center for Spiritual Living in Burbank, CA. He is also the grateful husband of Ashley Fuller Rubin and father of Isaac Rubin. After achieving a BS in Filmmaking from the Los Angeles Film School, he has put together a troupe of amazing congregants to inspire through film, to creatively do what Mahatma Gandhi so eloquently stated, “Be the change you wish to see.”