Bohemian Horoscopes: August 2019.

Aries (March 21-April 20)
Get your skates on, Aries! After a difficult July, August is a wonderful month to build bridges with a child, teenager or lover, initiate a new friendship, fall in love, give birth to a creative concept, start a challenging sport, or take up a hobby you’ve always been interested in. Mid-month looks exciting, when the Full Moon provides an opportunity for you to lead and influence others with your innovative and inspiring ideas. People are looking for you to come up with the goods, so get cracking and don’t disappoint.
Taurus (April 21-May 21)
With the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars all highlighting your home zone, it’s time to play Domestic Goddess (or God) to the hilt as you cook, clean, de-clutter, entertain, garden, decorate or renovate. Family issues take center stage, but you may also have to navigate your way through a professional minefield (especially around the time of the Full Moon on August 15). Avoid being a stubborn and intractable Bull. Instead, strive to handle any problems that crop up in proactive, creative and innovative ways.
Gemini (May 22-June 21)
Thank goodness your patron planet Mercury finally goes direct on August 1, which also coincides with the New Moon. So it’s a particularly positive month to communicate passionately and creatively. Whether you teach, give a speech, post a podcast, write a report or get vocal on social media, it’s time to let other people know what’s really on your mind. You’ll also receive plenty of messages, emails, texts and tweets (and maybe even some old-fashioned snail mail) but avoid the tendency to get side-tracked.
Cancer (June 22-July 23)
The focus is on lust and loot as the New Moon (on August 1) activates your money zone, and the Full Moon (on August 15) stimulates your sexuality zone. So it’s the perfect month to start a fresh financial chapter, fire up a stale relationship or launch a hot new romance. Financial matters and joint ventures are favored, just make sure you check all details carefully and vet prospective partners thoroughly. Confidence is also high, as the planets boost self-esteem and other people give you plenty of positive feedback.
Leo (July 24-August 23)
The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars are all powering through your sign. So you’ll be at your charming, charismatic, colorful best, and your demanding and diva-like worst! The Leo New Moon (on August 1) is the best time of the year to refresh your appearance, update your wardrobe, review your personal beliefs or launch a creative project. Around August 15, the Full Moon brings a relationship issue to a head, which clears the air so you can view the situation from a much more progressive perspective.
Virgo (August 24-September 23)
After a frustrating and nail-biting July, Mercury finally turns direct on August 1 and the New Moon highlights your contemplation and spirituality zone. So it’s the ideal time to enjoy solo activities like meditation, yoga, reading, journal writing and listening to music. As singer-songwriter and birthday great Kate Bush wisely observes, “There’s an awful lot you can learn about yourself when you’re alone.” Then the mid-month Full Moon motivates you to kick bad habits and be more proactive about your health and well-being.
Libra (September 24-October 23)
Quit making lame excuses, Libra! It’s time to pursue your ambitious goals for the future with plenty of passion and purpose. The New Moon (on August 1) helps you initiate ideas and make wonderful new wishes. Then the Full Moon (on August 15) pushes you to be more spontaneous and adventurous about making your dreams come true. Inspiration for the month is from fashion designer and birthday great Betsey Johnson, “Real success is being totally indulgent about your own trip, and going full speed ahead.”
Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
The New Moon (on August 1) is a fortuitous time to reboot your professional attitude, initiate work ideas, kick career goals or look for a new job, as you show others what you are really capable of, whereas the Full Moon (on August 15) is a time when unresolved issues with a family member could rise to the surface and demand to be addressed. Possessiveness or power games could also be cause for concern. So do your best to step back and view the current situation from a more balanced and forgiving perspective.
Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
You’ll enjoy communicating with family, friends, colleagues and acquaintances from close to home and far away. The New Moon encourages you to expand your international connections, extend your educational horizons and stretch your mind in adventurous new directions. After a sluggish July, your ruler Jupiter turns direct on August 11, when your Sag joie de vivre starts to return. Then the mid-month Full Moon fires up your passion for local community projects. So your motto for the moment is “Think global, act local.”
Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
The big questions to ask this month are “Who can I put my faith in?” and “Who can I really trust?” A close relationship is put under the microscope as you explore issues involving property, possessions, joint finances or shared resources. Then the mid-month Full Moon brings up issues involving core values and self-esteem. You’ll find the less you base your self-worth on money, status, image, physical appearance and unrealistic media expectations of what beauty and success are, the healthier and happier you’ll be.
Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
Venus and the New Moon (on August 1) revitalize your relationship zone. So prepare to road-test a new lover, revive a flagging affair, reboot a rickety marriage or finally summon the courage to leave an unsatisfactory relationship and explore your independence. Singles, the planets send a swag of potential suitors to your door. So make the most of it, play the field, and then choose wisely. The Full Moon lights up your sign mid-month, when the planets push you to be the avant-garde Aquarian you were born to be.
Pisces (February 20-March 20)
Have you been spending too much time sitting in front of the TV, eating junk food? Take a good long look at your daily diet and fitness levels, as the New Moon (on August 1) inspires you to prepare healthier meals and exercise like a pro with your favorite human or four-legged friend. Then the Full Moon pushes you to bring a work program or a volunteer project to a successful conclusion. Intuition and imagination are also heightened, as you receive important spiritual guidance and creative inspiration from within.
Joanne Madeline Moore has worked as an actress and singer in Australia, studied macrobiotics and shiatsu in London, meditated at Stonehenge, explored the medinas of Marrakech, lived with gypsy poets in the caves above Granada (in Spain), and been blessed by a Balian priest during a lunar eclipse in Indonesia. She’s also been a professional astrologer and writer since 1994. Her horoscope columns are currently syndicated in over 40 newspapers and magazines (and on websites) in the US, Canada, Europe, South Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. You can read her daily and weekly horoscopes on her website, and connect with her on Twitter and Facebook.