Bohemian Horoscopes: September 2019.

Aries (March 21-April 20)
The New and Full Moons highlight your health and humanitarian zones. So it’s time to nurture your body as you ditch bad habits, detox, eat nutritious food and devise an exercise routine that you’ll actually stick to. You’re also keen to re-connect with others, roll up your sleeves and help those around you. Your imagination and intuition are ignited, and you’ll find magic and mystery abound if you know where to look. So your mantra for the month is from Roald Dahl, “The greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places.”
Taurus (April 21-May 21)
With the Sun, New Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars all visiting your friendship zone, the focus is on friends — how to find them, nurture them and keep them. It’s also time to distance yourself from a fake friend who doesn’t have your best interests at heart. There’s definitely no room in your peer group for someone who is jealous or disparaging about your talents and achievements. So your motto for the moment is from Roald Dahl, “Good friends are like stars. You can’t always see them twinkle, but you know they are always there.”
Gemini (May 22-June 21)
Some Geminis will feel overwhelmed by work pressure or family politics. You’re keen to escape stressful scenarios, and daydream the hours away as you retreat into your own private world. But that doesn’t mean the problems will magically disappear! Friday, September 13, is fabulous for conversing and communicating, mixing and mingling, flirting and having fun. But avoid being led astray by a smooth-talking partner, relative, student, colleague, client or customer. Have the courage, conviction and fortitude to forge your own path and follow your own dreams.
Cancer (June 22-July 23)
The first few days of September favor travel, tourism, educational matters and joint ventures. But you need to tread carefully around September 13-14, when the Full Moon amps up emotional intensity, and Neptune opposes Mars. So avoid getting involved with dubious projects and confusing scenarios that lead nowhere. If someone presses your emotional buttons, try not to react in a moody or manipulative way. Drop the “I’m right” attitude and aim for a more consultative approach as you inspire others with your inclusive ideas and caring community spirit.
Leo (July 24-August 23)
This month some Leos will be plagued with uncharacteristic self-doubts. Lions appear to be brazenly bold on the outside, but sometimes on the inside you feel like a timid and tiny kitten. So work on boosting your self-esteem in tangible ways. If you don’t believe in yourself, why should anyone else? It’s definitely time to enjoy your achievements, talk up your talents, promote your accomplishments and tackle tricky challenges with plenty of Cat confidence and chutzpah. Best days are September 13-14, when Pluto boosts your charisma and powerful personality.
Virgo (August 24-September 23)
The Virgo New Moon (on August 30) sets the stage for a busy month. You’ll be given the opportunity to impress others with your methodical mind, multi-tasking skills and meticulous attention to detail. So the first week of September is the best time to initiate ideas, kick-start projects, power through paperwork, do research, edit work and problem-solve. Saturday the 7th looks confusing though, so tread carefully. Under the influence of the Full Moon, Sep 13-15 is a good time to resolve a relationship issue, as long as you are realistic and prepared to compromise.
Libra (September 24-October 23)
The month starts well, when Saturn helps you cement and strengthen a romantic relationship, joint venture, creative project or humanitarian endeavor. Mercury and Venus (your patron planet) vamp into your sign on September 14, which will highlight your natural charm and diplomatic skills. You’ll certainly need them in spades on September 21, when the Jupiter/Neptune square blurs reality and confuses communication for everyone. Then the Sun shifts into your sign on the 23rd, which kick-starts your month to shine in the celestial spotlight.
Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
You’ve got the power this month as the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars all boost your Scorpio creativity, charm, magnetism and motivation. Concentration and determination are strong, as you dive deep into a problem or cause, and use your persuasive personality to bring others along for the ride. Just make sure you approach tasks with maximum enthusiasm and plenty of passion. As Roald Dahl wrote, “If you are interested in something, go at it full speed ahead. Lukewarm is no good. White hot and passionate is the only thing to be.”
Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
With Jupiter jumping through Sagittarius, your motivation and energy levels are set on high, and so is your hot-headed impatience. But this month Neptune squares Jupiter (your power planet) so be careful that false optimism doesn’t mean you end up taking foolish risks. Awesome opportunities are circling around, but they’re not immediately obvious. They are hidden away in mysterious places, waiting for you to gradually discover them. Luckiest days are September 28-29, when Venus blesses a personal project, a friendship or a group activity.
Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
Capricorns are usually incredibly careful and considered. But this month the Sun, New Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars all rev up your explorative streak, especially when it comes to travel and aspirations. So it’s a marvelous month to plan a heavenly holiday or book an exotic escapade for some time soon, before you change your mind. Plus set adventurous goals for the future. Inspiration for the month is from Virgo superstar Beyonce, “I can never be safe; I always try and go against the grain. As soon as I accomplish one thing, I just set a higher goal.”
Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
Neptune scrambles your financial antennae. So it’s not a good time to borrow funds, buy property, make investments, go on a shopping spree or lend money to others, because you’re liable to make decisions based on confusing information and fluctuating emotions. And have you drawn up a wish list of your goals for the future? Don’t allow yourself to become stuck in a quagmire of bewildering options and what-if possibilities. You need to make your hopes, dreams and wishes much more tangible. Remember, you can’t hit a bull’s-eye if you haven’t got one!
Pisces (February 20-March 20)
You really do need to have your wits about you this month. Otherwise, under the influence of nebulous Neptune, you could end up in a confusing mess. There’s the tendency to either delude yourself or be deceived by someone else. So keep your reality radar switched on to High, and fact-check any dubious information that comes your way. Attached Pisceans, are you and your partner singing from the same song sheet? Singles, can you distinguish between a soul mate connection and a dating disaster? If in doubt, let your intuition be your guide.
Joanne Madeline Moore has worked as an actress and singer in Australia, studied macrobiotics and shiatsu in London, meditated at Stonehenge, explored the medinas of Marrakech, lived with gypsy poets in the caves above Granada (in Spain), and been blessed by a Balian priest during a lunar eclipse in Indonesia. She’s also been a professional astrologer and writer since 1994. Her horoscope columns are currently syndicated in over 40 newspapers and magazines (and on websites) in the US, Canada, Europe, South Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. You can read her daily and weekly horoscopes on her website, and connect with her on Twitter and Facebook.