Your Love Starts Within You and Rises up Within Me.

Higher forms of love, they start within us, through the love of the Self. When we truly love our Self, we reflect this love back to ourselves through all our relationships.
Higher forms of love, they rise and they fall, only to rise once again. They are beautiful and strong, messy and weak, they take us to great heights and then plunge us into darkness once again, so that we may learn and heal and grow. They ask us for everything, and yet nothing at all. They make us live, and then die, and then help us to be reborn, all over again.
In their pure form, higher forms of love illuminate the split within us, that of the separation between God and Man, and they spread out from within us in order to dispel the myth of duality and replace it with the truth that we are all one. The unity we seek with another person is symbolic of the unity we seek within ourselves.
May we all find this love within us, and in turn manifest it completely and utterly, right throughout this beautiful, magical, wonderful, sacred Earth.
Your words are a brush that paints pictures on my soul. Pastel watercolors that softly touch and illuminate the darkness that is me. They softly caress every recess of my mind, and flutter endlessly through each and every part of my being like the wings of a thousand butterflies, gently touching my soul. Reminding me of magical things always unseen.
Do not look at me, for your gaze is an ocean that pulls ceaselessly on the strings of my heart. Pulling me forever downwards into the depths of my soul. The places where I have long been too scared to be. Washing clean the fragments that have remained hidden for years. Lifetimes of memories, raised only by you. Your waves shift sands that time couldn’t move, exposing my treasures only for you.
But I’m scared, I’m so scared. Because I just don’t know how well I can swim. Your thoughts are the lifeboats that steer me constantly to the shore. Offering me shelter and protection as I unleash the storm that calls to be me. The storm that will clear the wreckage of barriers that I built in my sea. So I can feel love, your love, our love, fully once again.
The sound of your footsteps, they tell me I’m home. They pull me along, endlessly whispering that we have both always been right here. Right here together, in an endless cycle of love that rises and falls, in order to rise stronger once again, with me. You opened the door and showed me the way. I just never believed that your heart could actually be a home for me.
Your love is a hearth, by a fire so bright. Its warmth and heat dispelling the cold and the darkness that none could ever see, least of all me. It lit up the darkness and seared through the night. And there was nothing it could not illuminate, not within you or in me.
Do not touch me, for I know that if you do, that touch will unite us, entwine us, in memories made eons ago. Do not touch me until you are sure that you will never let me go, for your touch is a mountain that I am at once determined and yet terrified to climb. Making me touch clouds up high on your mountains, where I just cannot quite breathe.
Do not think of me so deeply, for I feel those things too. Your thoughts are an energy that creates a heat in my body that it just cannot endure. Showing me wounds, lying there open and bleeding within me. Waiting forever to be erased by the healing only this love can bring.
The beauty of your presence makes me feel things I am so afraid to feel, for your love burns me even as it heals me, searing my scars that were formed so long ago. And the fires of your love carve out a space within me that I fill with my love for this achingly beautiful world once again.
Your breath, it’s the breath that gives life to my hopes and my dreams. Dreams of rainbows and unicorns, and everything in between. Fields and meadows, flowers and mountains and dew drops on leaves.
Your love, it’s a love that starts within you and rises up within me. And it spreads from our two hearts, up over the Earth, to the Heavens and descends once again, showering us with flowers and earth songs of love that were once sung long, long ago, when all things were sacred, and Love was all things under the sun.

Kim Turfrey is a mother and lover of life who lives in New Zealand and has spent a lifetime working with plants as well as Earth and Spiritual energies in order to find healing for herself and others. Being born with the gift of disability has enabled her to see the world through different eyes, and develop a deep love and gratitude for life. She works with people all around the world through the vehicle of her business Confirmations of Self, and empowers them with sets of tools that enable them to identify and move through the current and future challenges they face in the unification process. If you would like to contact Kim for enquiries about this work, you can get hold of her via email or Facebook.