Bohemian Horoscopes for 2020. {Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo}

Aries (March 21-April 20)
Love & Lust
Passionate Mars fires up your sexuality zone in early January. Singles, you’ll feel extra frisky in January and April, as you flirt up a storm and circulate in style. So it’s a terrific time to host a party, go on a blind date, join a singles club or look for love online. If you are attached, January and December are super months to travel with your sweetheart. But your libido takes a temporary tumble from mid-September to mid-November, when Mars (your power planet) turns retrograde.
Loot & Luck
With Uranus moving through your money zone, finances will be erratic in 2020. So when cash is coming in, make sure you squirrel it away to tide you over when unexpected expenses appear and the budget is tight. January is the best month to kick-start an entrepreneurial enterprise or a joint venture, and March is the luckiest month for making extra moolah, landing a promotion or winning a competition. In late July, you’ll be given a golden opportunity to take your career in a creative new direction.
Plan a holiday or weekend escape for early June, when the lunar eclipse lights up your travel, adventure and adrenaline zone. But you need to take things easy from September 9 until November 14, when your ruler Mars is retrograde. This can be a very frustrating time when self-criticism is high, energy is low, projects stall and you feel like you’re going backwards. So make sure you slow down, reassess, recalibrate, be kind to yourself and try to relax.
Famous Arians
Lady Gaga, Elton John, Reese Witherspoon.
New Year Motto
“I allow myself to fail and I’m not afraid of my flaws.” ~ Lady Gaga
Taurus (April 21-May 21)
Love & Lust
May 13 until June 25 will be a difficult period for love, when your ruler Venus is retrograde. Be especially careful around June 5-6, when the lunar eclipse could exacerbate an existing problem. Attached Bulls, you may feel as if your relationship is stalling or even going backwards. Singles, suitable suitors will be thin on the ground around this time. August is a wonderful month to escape on a romantic weekend getaway with your sweetheart. Singles, get circulating in your local community in August, because true love could be as close as the boy or girl next door.
Loot & Luck
Resist the compelling urge to spend extra cash from May 13 until June 25 (when indulgent Venus reverses through your money zone). In uncertain economic times, business-savvy Bulls should concentrate on thrifty shopping, smart saving and sustainable living. Luckiest days are January 23, March 28-29 and December 14-15, when good-fortune planet Jupiter links up with your ruler Venus and you’ll look and feel fabulous.
Uranus is romping through your sign, so it’s time for risk-averse Bulls to jump out of your comfort zone and venture into exciting new territory. Experiment and explore as you do something daringly different or go on a grand adventure. If you are too entrenched in your old lifestyle and don’t make necessary changes voluntarily, then Uranus will stir things up and throw a curve ball in your direction. With Jupiter jumping through your adventure zone, travel beckons, especially in January, late March and August.
Famous Taureans
Cate Blanchett, George Clooney, Renee Zellweger.
New Year Motto
“It’s important to travel and move and have a continual set of experiences.” ~ Cate Blanchett
Gemini (May 22-June 21)
Love & Lust
2020 will work well if you alternate solo projects with joint ventures. So do your best to get the balance right between being an independent Gemini gadfly and having satisfying relationships. Attached Twins, January and April favor cozy companionship and pampering your partner, so plan something special. Unhappily single? The best months to search for your soul mate are January (when love, work and travel are linked) plus April and August. Communicating with your sweetheart (or a potential partner) will be complicated between October 28 and November 4, when your ruler Mercury reverses through your romance zone.
Loot & Luck
In 2020 (courtesy of lucky Jupiter), you could benefit from a favor, freebie, inheritance, bumper tax return, divorce settlement or superannuation payout. But, with miserly Saturn and penny-pinching Pluto also in your money-from-others zone, you could also encounter delayed payments, tax issues, legal problems, unexpected extra expenses or budget blowouts. Separating your wants from your needs is a must as smart Twins get thrifty, cut excess consumption, and learn to get by on less.
Best days are January 2, May 10 and August 29, when generous Jupiter boosts your natural charm, people skills and party-loving nature. But fun and games will be in short supply when Venus reverses through your sign (from May 13 until June 25) and you have to deal with a slump in your social life, a financial shortfall or an unresolved relationship problem. You’ll have to make an important personal decision around the time of the lunar eclipse on November 30, so consider carefully and choose wisely.
Famous Geminis
Angelina Jolie, Nicole Kidman, Johnny Depp.
New Year Motto
“By overcoming difficulties, we gain strength and maturity.” ~ Angelina Jolie
Cancer (June 22-July 23)
Love & Lust
2020 will be a year of extremes as Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto all transit through your relationship zone. Some attached Crabs will finally get engaged or married, while others end an unsatisfactory union or finalize a divorce. Singles, look for a long-term partner who has a good sense of humor but is also reliable and mature. The most romantic days of the year are July 27 and October 12 when Jupiter and Neptune promise magical moments and lashings of love. But don’t do anything major (like propose, get married or initiate a breakup) between May 13 and June 25, when Venus is retrograde.
Loot & Luck
With Saturn moving through your joint finances zone (from March 22 until July 2), you need to make sure that loans, contracts, wills, work agreements, tax returns and retirement plans are organized by a qualified person. If you take cheap shortcuts or do things yourself, then it could backfire on you later. The period between September 9 and November 14 is not a good time to launch a business, apply for a promotion or look for a job, as Mars reverses through your career zone.
In 2020, there are four eclipses in your personal image and wellbeing zones. So it’s important to express your authentic self, embrace your individual style, and look after your physical and mental health. Being emotionally strong and resilient will take you far. The best day to start a healthy eating plan, reboot your exercise routine or update your hair and wardrobe is June 21.
Famous Cancerians
Malala Yousafzai, Prince William, Margot Robbie.
New Year Motto
“It is very important to know who you are, to make decisions, to show who you are.” ~ Malala Yousafzai
Leo (July 24-August 23)
Love & Lust
Expect some challenges in 2020 as Saturn and two eclipses stir up your relationship zones. Single Lions, expect a few disasters before you find your dream lover. Don’t give up though, each dating disappointment will lead you closer to your soul mate. Attached Cats, plan a romantic weekend escape with your sweetheart between January 1 and February 15, when Venus boosts your fiery sensuality and lust for life. But things could come to a dramatic head around June 5-6, when the lunar eclipse shines an unforgiving light on a frustrating problem.
Loot & Luck
Good fortune and hard work are linked. With Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto all powering through your daily routine zone, there’s no escaping diligence and detailed work in 2020. If lucky breaks come along, they will be ones you have earned via rolling up your sleeves, burning the midnight oil and getting things done. Money matters look okay, as long as you are realistic about your financial situation and budget accordingly.
In 2020, there are three eclipses in your humanitarian zones. So you’ll find the more you reach out and help others, the happier you’ll be. The best days for altruistic endeavors are January 10-11, June 21 and November 30. And February is a wonderful month to welcome an adorable new pet into your Lion’s den. But avoid initiating an ambitious project or going away on a big holiday between September 9 and November 14, when Mars reverses through your adventure and travel zone.
Famous Leos
Meghan Markle, Helen Mirren, Chris Hemsworth.
New Year Motto
“I’ve never wanted to be a lady who lunches… I’ve always wanted to be a woman who works.” ~ Meghan Markle
Virgo (August 24-September 23)
Love & Lust
Courtesy of Jupiter and Neptune, 2020 is a positive year for relationships. If you are attached, you have much to learn from your spouse, and the more you explore new horizons together, the better the partnership will be. Singles, you could discover your perfect match while travelling, be attracted to someone from another country or culture, find true love with a wise teacher, or a long-term platonic friendship could take a surprisingly romantic detour. But there will still be challenges along the way, and make sure you’re not viewing your partner (or potential partner) through decidedly rose-colored glasses.
Loot & Luck
Some Virgos will be lucky in 2020, as prosperity-planet Jupiter moves through your good-fortune zone. So it’s an auspicious year to enter a competition, buy a lottery ticket, visit the casino, win at the races or launch a lucrative project. But avoid making important financial decisions (like applying for a loan, buying a house or signing a contract) when your ruler Mercury is retrograde from February 17-March 10, June 18-July 12 and October 14-November 4.
2020 is a fabulous year to reassess your aspirations, redesign your dreams and reach further for your goals. April 5, July 27, November 12-13 and December 21-22 are the dates when hard work and opportunity meet destiny, but make sure you’ve done all the preparation required before you pounce. And be extra diplomatic with colleagues, clients and/or customers from May 13 until June 25, when Venus reverses through your career zone.
Famous Virgos
Beyonce, Prince Harry, Amy Poehler.
New Year Motto
“As soon as I accomplish one thing, I just set a higher goal. That’s how I’ve gotten to where I am.” ~ Beyonce
This is the first part of a 2020 horoscope series. Read the second part here.
Joanne Madeline Moore has worked as an actress and singer in Australia, studied macrobiotics and shiatsu in London, meditated at Stonehenge, explored the medinas of Marrakech, lived with gypsy poets in the caves above Granada (in Spain), and been blessed by a Balian priest during a lunar eclipse in Indonesia. She’s also been a professional astrologer and writer since 1994. Her horoscope columns are currently syndicated in over 40 newspapers and magazines (and on websites) in the US, Canada, Europe, South Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. You can read her daily and weekly horoscopes on her website, and connect with her on Twitter and Facebook.
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