Bohemian Horoscopes for 2020. {Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces}

Love & Lust
Venus turns retrograde and rocks the relationship boat (from May 13 until June 25) when it will take your substantial diplomatic skills to get things back on an even keel. And then Mars reverses through your partnership zone (from September 9 until November 14). So these are not good times to propose, move in together, get married, renew your wedding vows or escape on a romantic holiday. Singles, you’ll have to kiss a few frogs before you finally find your Prince (or Princess) Charming. Be patient because the love stakes improve in leaps and bounds from mid-November to late December.
Loot & Luck
Expect a financial roller coaster ride in 2020. Venus (which rules love and money) turns retrograde, plus unpredictable Uranus and retrograde Mercury stir up your $$$ zones. So avoid making important decisions involving money from May 13 until June 25, and from October 14-28. And avoid making expensive non-essential purchases, as cash flow could fluctuate due to unforeseen circumstances. Clever Librans will look for unusual and entrepreneurial ways to boost current income.
In 2020, you could redecorate, house-sit, buy or sell real estate, move house, get a new housemate, start a business from home or renovate your present place. And there could also be extra domestic duties or family responsibilities that you have to deal with. Jupiter and Neptune encourage you to appreciate each special moment of the day as you enjoy the simple things in life, like a walk in the park or a kiss from a child.
Famous Librans
Olivia Newton-John, Hugh Jackman, Naomi Watts.
New Year Motto
“I live every day to its fullest extent and I don’t sweat the small stuff.” ~ Olivia Newton-John
Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
Love & Lust
Unpredictable Uranus continues to shake up your relationship zone in 2020, which can be a good thing. Coupled Scorps, the most risky thing for your relationship is boredom. So do all you can to reboot the romantic connection between the two of you and keep it fresh and exciting. Singles, look for a lover from outside your comfort zone, someone who is not your usual type. The best days to escape on a romantic getaway with your long-term sweetheart or special new suitor are January 10-11 and July 27-28.
Loot & Luck
The more you rely on other people to prop up your financial security, the more problematic 2020 will be, as three eclipses and retrograde Venus stimulate your money zones. Venus is retro from May 13 until June 25, so it’s not a good time to make expensive purchases (like a house, car or share portfolio) or invest in a business venture. But it is a suitable time to reassess your financial position, do research and reboot your budget. Financial independence is a goal worth pursuing. With hard work and determination, you’ll eventually get there.
The year starts with a fiery bang, as mighty Mars charges through your sign. So try to keep this sparky momentum and gung-ho motivation going. Trust is a big issue, so make it a priority to surround yourself with honorable people who have your best interests at heart. Plus learn to trust (and follow) your inner voice. If you listen to your intuition, it will point you in the right direction. Inner and outer confidence is the rocket fuel that will take you places in 2020.
Famous Scorpios
Katy Perry, Ryan Gosling, Julia Roberts.
New Year Motto
“If you present yourself with confidence, you can pull off pretty much anything.” ~ Katy Perry
Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
Love & Lust
With Venus and Mars reversing through your relationship zones (from May 13 until June 25, and from September 9 until November 14), it will be a bumpy road to lasting love. If you are attached, aim to get the balance right between committed couple-dom and invigorating independence. If you leave your partner on their own too often, they could go looking for attention elsewhere. Singles, the best months to meet your soul mate are in late July, early August and December, when your fiery charm attracts admirers from near and far. Be patient, because it will be worth the wait.
Loot & Luck
When it comes to finances, with lucky Jupiter and penny-pinching Saturn both transiting through your money zone, it will be one step forwards and two steps back. You could receive a welcome cash boost via a gift, pay raise, windfall or extra work, but if someone owes you money, don’t expect it back in a hurry. And if you make an unwise financial decision and then find yourself in difficulties, don’t presume that family or friends will bail you out.
Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto are visiting your self-esteem zone, so it’s time to truly love yourself just the way you are, warts and all. In 2020, mistakes will lead to maturity and flaws will add to your feisty charm. If you require help, don’t dismiss the assistance of others. With an experienced teacher, coach or mentor on board, you can achieve great things. If you travel, it’s likely to be for work or study purposes, rather than just frivolous fun.
Famous Sagittarians
Jane Fonda, Brad Pitt, Taylor Swift.
New Year Motto
“You don’t learn from successes and awards… You learn from mistakes and failures.” ~ Jane Fonda
Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
Love & Lust
The lunar eclipse (on January 10-11) heralds a dramatic year for love. Attached Caps, January is a fabulous time to travel with your partner. But your romantic life looks rocky from June 18 until July 12, when Mercury reverses through your partnership zone and communication goes haywire. So it’s not an ideal time to make important decisions about matters of the heart. Singles, mid-June to mid-July is not a good time to look for love online or go on a first date. Instead, be patient and wait for the romantic sparks to fly in August, when Venus visits your relationship zone.
Loot & Luck
Prosperity and success planet Jupiter journeys through your sign until December 19. So it’s a fabulous year to rub shoulders with influential people, maximize opportunities, enter a big competition or apply for a dream job. But there could a temporary financial setback between March 22 and July 2, when serious Saturn moves through your money zone. So make sure you are extra cautious and responsible with finances during this period. Your luckiest days are December 21 and 22, when your ruler Saturn joins forces with auspicious Jupiter.
Adventurous Jupiter is moving through your sign for most of the year, which gives you the impetus to imagine your preferred future, and the chutzpah to initiate personal changes and take on the world. Make the most of this powerful energy surge, because it only happens every 12 years. With Saturn and Pluto also transiting through Capricorn, it’s the perfect time to take on ambitious projects and venture into challenging areas that would usually daunt you. So 2020 could bring a new job, a new home or a new partner.
Famous Capricorns
David Bowie, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Kate Middleton.
New Year Motto
“Tomorrow belongs to those who can hear it coming.” ~ David Bowie
Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
Love & Lust
Relationships will mostly be steady as she goes in 2020, which could be an issue for adrenaline-addicted Aquarians. If you are attached, do all you can to reboot a stale partnership or fix a frustrating problem. If you allow boredom and complacency to set in, then it won’t be long before you’re heading out the door. An established or burgeoning relationship could temporarily run off the rails sometime between May 13 and June 25, when Venus reverses through your romance zone. With some extra diplomacy, patience and understanding, you can get things back on track again by July.
Loot & Luck
In 2020, the fortuitous Jupiter/Neptune link could send Lady Luck in your direction. You’ll find the more creative and altruistic you are, the more successful you’ll be. But avoid gambling, real estate speculation and joint financial ventures in February, May and June, when retrograde Mercury and retrograde Venus scramble and confuse your business brain. Instead, be patient and wait for a more opportune time.
Activities like meditation, contemplation, yoga and journaling are favored in 2020, as Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto stimulate your spiritual zone and you tap into the wisdom within. The Jupiter-Neptune connection activates your generous humanitarian side (in February, July and October) when you’ll feel like sponsoring a child, giving money to a relief fund or helping someone closer to home. You’re keen to travel in September, October and November, but expect some delays and detours along the way.
Famous Aquarians
Oprah Winfrey, Bob Marley, Jennifer Aniston.
New Year Motto
“Success provides you with the ability to make a difference, not only in your own life but in other people’s lives.” ~ Oprah Winfrey
Pisces (February 20-March 20)
Love & Lust
Singles,with Venus vamping through your sign (from January 14 until February 7), you’ll be at your bewitching best as you attract admirers like moths to a flame. So it’s the perfect time to fall in love, join an online dating site or update your current profile. The period around June 21 is also a fabulous time to go on a first date or celebrate a major milestone, as the solar eclipse stimulates your romance and party zone. If you are attached, 2020 is the year to pamper your partner and travel together in style.
Loot & Luck
The more you follow your heart in 2020, the happier you’ll be. Just make sure you surround yourself with a positive peer group who celebrate your successes and encourage your dreams. Luckiest days of the year are February 20 and July 27, when Jupiter blesses a personal project or a group endeavor. But September 9 through until November 14 is not a good time to apply for a loan, make a big-ticket purchase or sign a major contract, as Mars reverses through your money zone.
Avoid the Piscean tendency to procrastinate. Adventurous Jupiter makes a rare connection with Neptune (your patron planet) in February and July. So they are the best months to dream big dreams, make magical wishes, set ambitious goals and then pursue them with passion. With lucky Jupiter on your side, 2020 is the year when you can be proactive and make your dreams come true.
Famous Pisceans
Elizabeth Taylor, Drew Barrymore, Rihanna.
New Year Motto
“I feel very adventurous. There are so many doors to be opened, and I’m not afraid to look behind them.” ~ Elizabeth Taylor
This is the second part of a 2020 horoscope series. Read the first part here.
Joanne Madeline Moore has worked as an actress and singer in Australia, studied macrobiotics and shiatsu in London, meditated at Stonehenge, explored the medinas of Marrakech, lived with gypsy poets in the caves above Granada (in Spain), and been blessed by a Balian priest during a lunar eclipse in Indonesia. She’s also been a professional astrologer and writer since 1994. Her horoscope columns are currently syndicated in over 40 newspapers and magazines (and on websites) in the US, Canada, Europe, South Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. You can read her daily and weekly horoscopes on her website, and connect with her on Twitter and Facebook.