Repair the Relationship With Your Inner Containment.

There’s no denying it: the Goddess is making a comeback and it couldn’t be more needed. The feminine aspects of our existence are losing their taboo.
Feminine shame is crumbling, and the Goddess is rising. Many are saying we are witnessing and participating in Her rebirth, midwifing Her in our own unique ways. Many are saying we’re dismantling the patriarchy and coming into greater balance and harmony. Many are saying they can feel Her moving through them as the connection to ancient wisdom strengthens.
What I get from this is that there’s this notion that She has been somehow gone… missing. The thing is, the Goddess never left. We don’t actually need more feminine energy, or to reawaken the Goddess, or midwife Her return, or any of these other pursuits. Thinking this is being quite disrespectful to Her, and actually subtly perpetuates the existing status quo wherein all is outside of us.
We must resurrect the awareness of the spiral aspects of our existence, not the spiral aspects themselves. They’re here. Hidden in plain sight. Have been all along.
Continuing to seek Her, search for Her, quest for Her is still perpetuating the illusion that’s been fed to us for far too long about divinity and holiness and all things sacred being outside of us.
To quest for Her and think there’s a grand impending return is pointless because in actuality, we’ve already arrived. We were never gone, and neither was She. She’s here, as clearly made evident by your sheer existence. The fact that you are here, participating in this infinite spiral dance of life-death-rebirth and witnessing the cosmic tides and seasons change, means She couldn’t have ever gone anywhere.
Although it seems the collective has tried to dismantle Her, shame us out of any connection to our sacred, pure, whole and holy essence, and create a deleterious affliction of the illusion of separation, it didn’t work. It couldn’t actually work.
They tried to strip is of our divinity. Our innate sense of power, safety, worth, and belonging. They tried to make the rules. They tried to shame us out of our wildness. They tried to rob us of our inner structure and inner authority. They tried to taint all that is sacred. They tried to make us forget. They tried to make us believe we were so flawed, so unworthy, so unlovable, so shameful.
They tried to make us believe our power was outside of us. They tried to make us believe in so many conflicting paradoxes that we eventually became distracted by illusions and lost the connection to what is real within: the truth that we are always safe, we are lovable, we are whole and sacred, and we are the great mystery Herself.
All that was accomplished over the last several thousand years by those who sought power over the spirally, cyclical, feminine aspects of life was scaring us into willful blindness towards and fear of them, yet we’re hip to it now.
It’s not working.
Our bodies physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually feel the toxic consequences. We’re entertaining the idea that nothing has actually ever been wrong with us and we may source all we need from within.
How radical.
If we don’t need more goddess because She’s never left us, She’s been hidden in plain sight, what do we need?
We need to repair our relationship with our inner structure. What we must do is resurrect the awareness of Her, the devotion to and appreciation of Her.
We do this through repairing our relationship with our inner Wounded Masculine, our inner kings, our inner sense of authority, structure, containment, and devoted discipline. As life spirals on, it is our wounded sense of authority that pretends otherwise and would punish us for rejoining the dance of creation, and judges us for even having the desire to do so.
This is a time of immense integration and inner alchemy. Our inner kings and inner queens are coming together. We must seek divine integration and sacred union from within, alchemizing our humanity and divinity through the heart. At this place, we experience integration — it’s the intersection of flesh and spirit, mortal and celestial, bodily and eternal.
The heart is the site of inner alchemy, wherein these aspects come together to birth a third — a life lived in an ongoing merging of human and divine.
We must surrender to the rhythms and inevitable changes within and around us, and in order to fully do so, we’re required to repair the relationship with our inner containment. We are magic. We are the keepers of the light and the Earth and wisdom and the medicine. We must hold space for our own remembrance and reclamation. It’s time now.
This isn’t easy, yet it’s the way to sovereignty and wholeness. The ultimate medicine? Just keep showing up, right here and now, over and over and over again.
Devon Ray Battaglia, MS, NC, RYT, founder of InnerSpark, is a mentor and catalyst for sensitive, introverted beings desiring to reclaim themselves as the sovereign leaders of their lives through transmuting shame and trauma into purpose and freedom. Her work is a magical blend of the grounded and tangible with the esoteric and energetic, anchored in Earth-wisdom, spirituality, embodiment, subtle energy mastery, and seasonal and cosmic flow. Her diverse background is a reflection of her diverse experiences and devotion to the sacred spiral dance of life, and to the sensitive soul’s vital role at this time on the planet. You could follow her on Instagram, and join her Facebook community.