When You’ve Given Your All for Someone You Thought You Loved.

Combustibility led to a live connection singed. Unemotionally viable and remotely unfamiliar.
She made up her mind that this big and clumsy ghost was gone and her energy needed to be focused on all that was sustainable. It was a mistake to broker peace. Incompatibility was obvious. “Two wrongs do not make a right!” her father had announced after much careful reflection.
Ransacked, ripped and debased. She had done well to recover from her ordeal. In his defense, she picked up the scattered placating words “I cannot change what happened.” “No. But you could have tried harder!” would have been her cyber answer, but the raging was over and she had risen up.
Her energies lay with loyal, grounded family members and friendships that sprung the late white blossom. Lucky to have close contact with children, where everything was rewarding and would come back twofold. She’d treat them with the respect they deserve, teach them all her wisdom and influence them according to their strengths.
“Have the courage to be disliked!” she stumbled across in a passage and passed on to a 10-year-old, so this knowledge came easy. It is hard to accept this feeling in your living days. Tell them young and see where it takes them on their journey!
Acknowledging the pleas from friends, when eventually a new man with his easy cheekiness and fun-loving nature wound up in her life. She was comfortable in her female maturity not to be defined by him and to enjoy her hard-won freedom.
And so they traveled globally, increased the sphere of her contemporary artistic world and looked after her own ordinary financial matters, like an older woman said: “Smart women always do.”
Layers of surprises revealed there is always a first time for red roses, books on Joy and Art. And now men can chef at home, perhaps a secret ingredient is to be able to relate harmoniously to their family? Special people were always a source of contentment to her.
Work was wormed into. And when you get lost into a subject, is this not where the good work emerges? Detail became important and ideas were launched!
- Essentially, we cannot change our make-up but we can grow. Also, with age we have the human ability to reflect and we must master this skill. For our own precious sanity, we must not be trapped in similar scenarios. Take that online course on controlling partnerships. Build, invest and protect your female financial freedom, so you are not left standing!
- Cultivate a friendship with an older woman who can advise accordingly. One who has been there, seen it, heard it, told about it. Their life experience is crucial and invaluable.
- Love and accept yourself and your body. Wonderful things happen from here.
- Without the time to stand back, you will have produced some wounds, but if tended well, you will heal and continue with a new mindset and a more powerful walk.
- See what makes you special, but also develop strategies and boundaries against your weaknesses.
There are always ways forward in life even when you have burst a gasket and given your all for someone you thought you loved. Perhaps, in all of the resulting sticky mess, you lost a sense of self. But, ironically, when you do not try so hard and you are natural and relaxed, the more people are drawn to you. It is then that you attract exactly what your heart craves.
Since joining a writing group at work at a London University, Keri France has become more productive. She now has 20 published articles and a short story to her credit. Currently working on various projects. Keri surrounds herself with real, creative people, and is fascinated by people who surprise and choose what they want to be.