It Feels Good to Connect in Times of Uncertainty.

Have you noticed more people wanting to connect with you lately?
Old friends, colleagues and family members you haven’t seen in years coming up on your social media? It feels good to connect in times of uncertainty. We can feel safer and more supported with a wider pool of people in our lives, even leading to a feeling of worldwide connection.
This is a truly amazing phenomenon — humans reaching out to each other with more trust and compassion, even toward strangers. Like we are all in this together — because we are!
Connect with everyone and be discerning about who you actually interact with
I find myself culling my Facebook news feed and deleting emails from most political organizations, anyone who wants to sell me something, groups, coaches and spiritual teachers whose thoughts don’t resonate with me anymore. I’m finding new people and organizations to connect with that fit my current ideals, values, priorities and who I am now.
I am trusting myself, my inner knowing, about whom I want to connect with, and what information feels right for me to consume. Don’t worry, I’m not putting my head in the sand. I’m looking at the heartbreaking and maddening information too. Discerning what is true and what is false information has become a full-time job!
Things I’m not doing:
- Donating to every plea for money that comes my way
- Buying things I don’t need (resisting retail therapy)
- Allowing the overflow of information to pull me into fear and worry
- Sharing or liking a friend’s post if it doesn’t resonate with me
New things I am doing:
- Connecting more often with my closest family and friends
- Expressing my genuine feelings in the moment (being vulnerable)
- Offering help where and when I feel called to (not out of obligation or guilt)
- Valuing and appreciating all the meaningful care and support available right now
It’s natural to feel worried or fearful as things are changing rapidly. Chaos creates a new reality. We don’t know what will come out of this on the other side. Who we want to be, what we value and how we show up in the world is all up for grabs. How confusing and exciting! Everything you expose yourself to affects you.
I encourage you to use this time to evaluate whether someone or something feeds you or diminishes you.
Questions for discernment:
- Does this viewpoint resonate with my values? Do I agree or disagree?
- What is my body telling me? Do I feel tight muscles, short of breath, nausea or lightness, easy breathing, heart expansion?
- Does this activity match my talents and strengths, or should I leave it to someone else?
- How do I feel around this person? Uplifted, lighthearted, joyful, or irritated, disappointed, nervous?
All possibilities are open to us now. This worldwide reset will create opportunities for new ways of thinking and being. Whom do you want to deepen your connection with? What new ideas do you want to explore? The more we understand and trust ourselves, the better we can discern who and what we want in our lives going forward.
Andrea Paquette, APRN, is board certified as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner and a Holistic Nurse Practitioner. She specializes in natural treatments for emotional and mental health issues in women, adolescents and children. While treating children in her private practice, she recognized the need among mothers for new strategies to cope with chronic stress, low energy and feeling disempowered. In 2018, Andrea completed training as a Life Coach and began coaching and teaching women to refocus their priorities and create a life they love. With over 30 years of experience in the healthcare field, Andrea’s mission is to support people on their journey to vibrant physical and emotional health, happiness and fulfillment in life. Andrea lives in Manchester, NH, has two grown children she adores, is a devoted yoga student, and is constantly writing something new to go into her future book. Learn more about Andrea at Woman to Woman and Choices Counseling of Londonderry.